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The Changing American Family

From a demographic perspective, families today are more ethnically, racially, religiously and ideologically diverse than ever before. Compared to the typical family of the ‘60s, marriage is at an all-time low as fewer women are becoming mothers. But interracial marriages, one-parent homes, same-sex marriages and out-of-wedlock births are at an all-time high, and the number of women who are the sole or primary breadwinner in the home has nearly quadrupled to 40%.

Cultural shifts and economic circumstances are at the center of these changes. Today, couples perceive marriage and parental roles differently than they did in the ‘60s. Likewise, financial strains seem to have a huge toll on families as we see divorce rates go down for the middle class and partnership turnovers go up among the poor.

While the “traditional” family we see on most TV ads may not be representative anymore, family values and aspirations are still present. It’s just the “packaging” that has changed, and most likely will continue to change. Think more “Modern Family” and less “Leave It to Beaver.” Marketers need to understand the role of the consumer in light of this new, evolving family dynamic if they wish to do a better job connecting with them.
Alejandro Martinez, Market Intelligence Strategist

Diversity in 
American Families

The typical American family has become vastly multilayered and has changed at a dramatic pace.

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The New American 

 What does a traditional family look like today? 

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Public Perception on 
Changes in 
Family Structure

Americans are divided in their judgment about demographic and cultural changes in today’s families.

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