Access all dZ-Dot supported data; follow live updating dataZoa tables, charts and data series. Combine displays and series into custom, shareable views and dashboards, export data to your favorite tools and more.
Through a partnership with the Batten School and Weldon Cooper Center, researchers now have access to this new resource! dataZoa is a powerful tool for grabbing data series from the web and creating dynamic charts and graphs that can be shared with others. The dZ-Dot browser add-on (available for Chrome and Firefox) enables researchers to drag and drop more than 3 billion data series from public websites, such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics, World Bank, and Zillow. These connections are live so once a data series has been imported into a dataZoa account, it will automatically update with the most current numbers.
To get started, create a dataZoa account using your university email address. If you have questions, please contact Summer Durrant at
Spring StatLab Courses
The StatLab will be teaching for-credit courses in the Statistics department in the upcoming spring semester! Visit our website to learn more.
STAT 5559: Data Wrangling in R (1 credit) Covers data cleaning and data manipulation in R. Topics include reading/writing data in various formats, R data structures, working with date/time data, character manipulation, using regular expressions in R, reshaping data, data transformations, data aggregations, and basic data visualization to aid in data cleaning.
STAT 5559: Applied Causal Inference (3 credits) Examines approaches to causal inference using the potential outcomes framework. Methods covered will include matching, instrumental variables, difference-in-difference, regression discontinuity, and sensitivity analysis.
November 19, 2014, 2:00-4:30 p.m.
Scholars' Lab Common Room
The Scholars' Lab will be celebrating GIS Day 2014! They'll host lightning round talks showcasing a variety of GIS projects from across Grounds and around Charlottesville. The reveal of the annual GIS Day cake will follow. All are welcome so join in on the festivities!