Learn about the new resource dataZoa, attend GIS Day 2014, or apply for the 2015 ICPSR Summer Undergraduate Internship Program.
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November 2014

New Resource: dataZoa

Open a free dataZoa account
Access all dZ-Dot dZ-Dot supported data; follow live updating dataZoa tables, charts and data series. Combine displays and series into custom, shareable views and dashboards, export data to your favorite tools and more. Open a Free dataZoa Account.
Through a partnership with the Batten School and Weldon Cooper Center, researchers now have access to this new resource! dataZoa is a powerful tool for grabbing data series from the web and creating dynamic charts and graphs that can be shared with others. The dZ-Dot browser add-on (available for Chrome and Firefox) enables researchers to drag and drop more than 3 billion data series from public websites, such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics, World Bank, and Zillow. These connections are live so once a data series has been imported into a dataZoa account, it will automatically update with the most current numbers.

To get started, create a dataZoa account using your university email address. If you have questions, please contact Summer Durrant at

Spring StatLab Courses

The StatLab will be teaching for-credit courses in the Statistics department in the upcoming spring semester! Visit our website to learn more.
STAT 5559: Data Wrangling in R (1 credit)
Covers data cleaning and data manipulation in R. Topics include reading/writing data in various formats, R data structures, working with date/time data, character manipulation, using regular expressions in R, reshaping data, data transformations, data aggregations, and basic data visualization to aid in data cleaning.

STAT 5559: Applied Causal Inference (3 credits)
Examines approaches to causal inference using the potential outcomes framework. Methods covered will include matching, instrumental variables, difference-in-difference, regression discontinuity, and sensitivity analysis.

GIS Day 2014

GIS Day 2014

November 19, 2014, 2:00-4:30 p.m.
Scholars' Lab Common Room

The Scholars' Lab will be celebrating GIS Day 2014! They'll host lightning round talks showcasing a variety of GIS projects from across Grounds and around Charlottesville. The reveal of the annual GIS Day cake will follow. All are welcome so join in on the festivities!

ICPSR Summer Internship

The Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), the world's largest archive of digital behavioral and social science data, is accepting applications for its annual summer undergraduate internship program.

For more information or to apply, visit the 2015 ICPSR Summer Undergraduate Internship Program website.

Applications are due January 31, 2015!
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