TPI Incident at Old Geelong Rd
HBCC response re Jone and Bunting Rds
HBCC Housing survey

BCRG Update 20_2014, November 18

Hi everyone,
In this update:

1) TPI Update - Incident at Old Geelong Rd
2) Hobsons Bay CC response to Jones and Bunting Rd proposal.
3) Hobsons Bay Housing Survey

1) Incident at TPI Old Geelong Rd

18/11/14 This update was received from Olga Ghiri, Transpacific.

Hi, as a key stakeholder, I’d like to inform you that during routine operations earlier today at 10am, Transpacific staff detected a hot spot in a waste loading space at the Brooklyn Waste Transfer and Resource Recovery Facility, located on Old Geelong Road.
We initiated a call to the Metropolitan Fire Brigade to attend and manage the incident. We have also advised the EPA.
The hot spot was quickly and safely contained this morning by the MFB, and is under control with no active smoke.
There was minimal risk to staff and minimal damage to the loading space.
Initial reports suggest the cause was combustion of waste materials.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Kind Regards
Olga Ghiri | Stakeholder and Community Engagement Manager
46 Victory Road, Clarinda - Victory Road VIC 3169 Australia
P: +61 3 9552 1716 (Direct) | M: 0478 316 237
E: |

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2) Hobsons Bay CC response to Jones and Bunting Rd proposal

Hobsons Bay CC have supplied a response to the proposals put forward by the Brooklyn Residents Action Group regarding the future of Jones and Bunting Rds. You can see this letter on the Brooklynip website. click here

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3) Hobsons Bay CC Housing survey

Hobsons Bay CC is currently seeking feedback on some preparing a Housing Strategy for Hobsons Bay. They want to hear from the community on what your housing needs are and any other key issues that you feel should be considered in the Housing Strategy.

Find out more information about how you can have a say at: housing or contact the Strategic Planning team on 9932 1089 or email

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Andrea Mason

Executive Officer
Brooklyn Community Representative Group
Ph: 0427 338 482
PO Box 8001, Rippleside, Vic, 3215

PS BCRG Community Forum meeting dates for
2015: Wednesday Feb18, May 13, Aug 12 and Nov 11.

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