Greetings from CSC Moldova
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 Prayer news  / CSC Moldova                
    November 2014

 Changing Moldova -  One Student at      a Time

Dear Friends,
 Thank you for praying for the fellowship and for encouraging us by your partnership in our gospel ministry among students in Moldova. 
 I wish to express the gratitude and appreciation of my family, the staff team and student leaders, Board Members, project, prayer and financial partners, for your faithful and generous support for the activities of CSC Moldova. Praise God for the fact that we are a family and that we are part of His work in this World! 
Meeting after camp, with students from or.Balti
Students after “English Camp”....
They are involved in small groups.... 
We are grateful for our partnership with UCCF (IFES student movement). Since the summer English camp, students have continued to be interested in the Bible and to come to small group meetings. We thank the Lord for Vasea S, a college student, who after camp accepted Jesus and was baptised at his church. We thank the student leaders, who were involved in the camp and have remained in touch with their colleagues. We are thankful for a total of 25 small groups (prayer, seminars and Bible studies) in CSC.
Volunteers and students leaders in Chisinau
Students after “Formacion”.....
They are determined in evangelism and discipleship.....
 On the 17th and 23rd September, in the cities of Balti and Chisinau, there were organised by our student leaders and volunteers events for first year students. It was pleasant to make new contacts and to develop friendships. At these events, around 50 students in total took part. Since they have been invited and encouraged to participate in the studies and Bible seminars that we organise weekly. We thank the Lord for the initiative and dedication of our student leaders.
Events for first year students
Small group of graduates
Students after Graduation......
have influence in their field of work.....
The aim of our activities organised for graduates is that we continue to encourage them to grow in their lives both spiritually and professionally, so that they can influence their colleagues by having Christian principles and values. Vadim C, who works at the Ministry for Culture and Education, participates in the 'Bible and Profession' graduates group. He is a witness to his colleagues due to fact that he doesn't steal from his work time, instead working diligently and using all his work time for fulfilling his tasks. For a Christian this is a basic principle, but for those who haven't accepted Jesus it is hard to have a correct attitude to and motivation for their work. Let's pray for Vadim C's colleagues that they will understand the importance of having a relationship with Jesus at the workplace.
Team Building & Barbecue
Team Building & Barbecue
On the 1st November, we organised a creative and entertaining event, which promoted team work, Christian principles, Christian music and the need for a spiritually, intellectually and physically balanced life. Students were challenged to accept Jesus and to live lives, which conform to the will and calling of God. We thank the Lord that students were receptive and open to learning new things and finding out more about Christianity.
Training - "Effective Teams & Networking”
On the 4th November, in collaboration with InterVarsity, we organised training for Staff and student leaders. The seminars were presented by Beth Hedges. For us, team work as well as active involvement in ministry is important. At this training, we learned how to improve our team work and to recognise the people around us, who have helped us in our growth and in turn people, who we can help to accept Jesus and grow in faith. We thank the Lord for people in IFES with passion for students and God. 
Training - "Effective Teams & Networking”
Student conference - ULIM

The Forum of young professionals 

On the dates of 24th and 25th September, in partnership with Second Fiddle Ministries, we organised a Training at ULIM (Free International University of Moldova), which was a good opportunity to enter this university and establish a good collaboration with its administration. The seminars were interesting (introduced by CSC Board member and MP Valeriu Ghiletchi; talk on Ethics in the Marketplace by Gary; talk on Time Management by Ghena Russu; talk on Work, Rest and Identity by Gary, panel discussion with Valeriu G, presentation by SysLab career advisor). We thank the Lord for the trusting relationship, which has been created with the university's administration and their desire for future collaboration.

                                             The Forum professionals 

On the 27th September, also in partnership with Second Fiddle Ministries, we organised a training for graduates with the theme “Profession and my Vocation – a channel of influence in society”. Graduates were encouraged to see their workplace as a mission field and an opportunity to spread the Kingdom of God. We thank the Lord for the graduates, who made a firm decision to be good representatives for God at their workplaces.

Training for graduates
November  2014

- the growth and consolidation of our prayer and Bible small groups,
- for new student leaders,
- for new contacts among students who haven't accepted Jesus,
- for the growth of the staff and student leader teams,
- for much needed material and financial resources,
- for finance for students and staff who will be trained by participating in a - missions week in the UK, organised by UCCF,
- for finance for those from CSC who will participate in the IFES World Assembly in Mexico.
Contacts US:
Cost of employment (salary, ministry expenses, training,) is entirely funded through donors who support the ministry. Funds are sent to IFES and directed to an account in CSC Moldova:
Partners needed
   20 Partners @ $100/Month
 40 Panthers @ $50/Month
 80 Partners @ $25/Month

To make an electronic contribution to our ministry or for information on other donation options, please click on the link below: 
select give to an IFES member, type “CSC Moldova,”
Through the IFES you can donate any amount; US$10, US$25, US$50 or more and as often as you choose.

Cash contribution can be made at the CSC office.
Copyright © *2014* *CSC Moldova*, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
CSC Moldova
Armeneasca street 61/13
Chisinau, Moldova, MD-2012

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