November 13, 2014

Help Me Grow National E-Note

National Center News
New Post from the Help Me Grow Blog
A Hopeful Harbinger of Sustainability
"No issue has been more prominent or challenging than long-term sustainability," writes Paul Dworkin, M.D. "Inclusion in state budgets has proven to be one of the more secure forms of Help Me Grow sustainability--but it isn't easy to achieve." The post offers lessons learned from prior affiliate efforts and emerging strategies for state-level advocacy to help you achieve long-term sustainability for your Help Me Grow system. Read more.

November 18, 2014 Webinar
Using and Reporting on the Help Me Grow Common Indicators
During the Tuesday, November 18, Webinar, National Center staff will provide an overview of the Common Indicator reporting process, including timeline and templates for affiliate use. The webinar will run from 3:30- 4:15 PM ET. Register here.

Help Me Grow National Network News

Outreach Slideshow from Help Me Grow Western New York  
Help Me Grow Western New York recently used for a community and family outreach slideshow. View the slideshow here, and let us know: have you found such tools useful in community and family outreach? Send us your favorite examples.

Spotlight on Help Me Grow Oregon
In October, the BUILD Initiative and the National Academy for State Health Policy published a paper exploring Oregon's efforts to achieve kindergarten readiness. Help Me Grow Oregon is noted for its importance as a central access point connecting families to community-based resources. A few weeks earlier, Six by '15, a national campaign to improve the lives of people with disabilities, mentioned Help Me Grow Oregon as an integral part of the state's work to promote early childhood screening. Kudos to Oregon! 

Video: Help Me Grow Utah's Family Halloween Carnival 
"Family is the basis of everything in our community, our nation, our world. And we need to have families feel like they are supported," says director Barbara Leavitt... while wearing rabbit ears at this year's HMG Utah Halloween Carnival! This two-minute video showcases the event's spooky costumes, learning activities, and referrals to resources to help families (and candy). Plus, it features Janae Moss, HMG Utah parent and family champion, in costume! Watch the video here. (And spread the word: HMG Utah is hiring.)

HMG Orange County: Grant for Early Detection of Developmental Delays
Help Me Grow Orange County recently received more than $200,000 to support a developmental screening network and registry to improve physician engagement and cross-sector collaboration; link electronic health records among Orange County service providers; and reach out to pediatricians to encourage them to regularly use developmental screening tools and refer children for treatment when needed. Read more.

Resources of Note

Cultural Competency
Engaging Black and Latino Parents in Family Support Programs

This Child Trends brief identifies the features and strategies in family support programs that may be most effective for reaching and engaging black and Latino families, with the ultimate goal of supporting young children's development. It includes recommendations for designing, adapting, and evaluating culturally-relevant family support programs. Read more.

Marketing, Communications & Fundraising
Building a Storytelling Culture
A vibrant organizational story is key to marketing a program, service, or system. This new article from the Stanford Social Innovation Review shares practical advice to help organizations create a living, breathing portfolio of different stories, from different perspectives. This skilled storytelling helps an organization communicate its purpose and impact to the public, stakeholders, funders, and policymakers. Read more.

Building Trauma-Informed Systems
Florida City Is First Trauma-Informed Community in Nation
Tarpon Springs, Florida, is the first city in the country to declare itself a trauma-informed community (learn more about what that means). This commitment means that the city will engage all sectors—such as education, juvenile justice, faith, housing, health care and business—in two common goals:1) to understand how personal adversity affects the community’s well being; and 2) to institute resilience-building practices so that people, organizations and systems, including early childhood, help build a healthy community. Read more.

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