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Coming Up In December

Improv Night At Trash
Sunday, December 7th, 6:00pm

At our next IKTMIT (art night) our guests will be a group of some of the best and most experienced improvisers in the city. They will perform a live improv set for us and that will be the piece of art that inspires our conversation. The particular improv form they'll be doing is performed in the dark and/or with the audience's eyes closed, so it's basically an audio set that should be a very interesting experience. After they perform we'll talk about many things including how the principals and values of creative improv can be a guide to being better at living life. The evening should be filled with laughs, absurdity, and creativity. It's free. All lovers of art and culture who are open-minded and open hearted are welcome to come join us.
Vineyard One NYC
38-11 Ditmars Blvd. #515
Astoria, NY 11105

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