Welcome to our latest newsletter full of strata title information from all around Australia.
It is getting very close to Christmas & the New Year! We still have one more newsletter coming out before Christmas, however I would like to let everyone know that LookUpStrata will be 'holidaying' between the 23rd December & 12th January.
Make a change just in time for 2015. We have a brand NEW NSW POSITION VACANT from Rockend this fortnight. Read below for details and follow the link to learn more and apply. Have a strata vacancy to fill? Let me know!
We would like to provide a warm welcome to our first time blog author appearing in this edition - Drew Mountney, Melbourne Fire & Electrical. We hope you enjoy Drew's post. As always, a big thank you to all of our regular contributors.
For the first time EVER we have a tie for most popular article from the last newsletter! Congratulations to both Paul Keet & Nigel Wraight.
Yesterday LookUpStrata got its 1500th TWITTER follower! Thanks so much to everyone for your follows and retweets.
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My productivity tip - I've been using the bookmarking app Pocket. I am using the free iOS version. The app is also available on Android. It enables you to store articles, videos, webpages and more in your 'pocket' to read or view later - even offline. It syncs across all of your devices. Give it a go - I think it is great. What do you think of Wunderlist? Do you have a favourite app to mention?
Please forward the newsletter on to other strata lovers!
Send me feedback - I'd love to hear from you.
Merry Christmas
VIC: The Importance of Fire Safety
I posted this article Sept 2013 after two apartment fires in Melbourne, one of which was caused by a balcony air conditioner. I have used the post to document all news concerning the recent Docklands fire.
QLD: Individual Water Meters for Apartments
Kelly Borell, Tower Body Corporate Administration
We have received an increasing number of enquiries from Gold Coast bodies corporate recently, regarding the possibility of installing individual water meters to their strata schemes.
Water leak, who do you call?
Nigel Wraight,
Thomas Wraight Pty Ltd
When you have a water leak coming from an unusual location, how can you determine the source & know which plumber to call? Have a look at this checklist table to help you.
NSW: Breathing Space: Delays to the Start of the Home Building Amendment Act 2014
David Bannerman and Ben Robertson,
Bannermans Lawyers
The anticipated 1 December 2014 commencement date for the Home Building Amendment Act 2014 has been delayed allowing owners corporations some breathing space. Use the time to get prepared.
Essential Services – Responsibilities of building owners
Drew Mountney,
Melbourne Fire & Electrical
The recent fire which broke out at a multistorey apartment in Docklands is a timely reminder to owners and owners corporations across Australia that fire maintenance and management is a collective responsibility.
MEDIA ALERT (24/11/14) NSW: Implementation of Home Building Amendments Delayed to Mid-January 2015
Christopher Kerin,
Kerin Benson Lawyers
The Minister for Fair Trading this morning announced that the Home Building Amendment Act 2014 is now expected to commence in mid-January 2015.
Simple ways to improve your processes
Aylie Brutman, Rockend
Many people do not utilise the full functionality of their strata software as they are stuck in their old habits. Software updates are released to help you work smarter, not harder.
Relax and Move – Expert Advice on Moving
Bettina Deda, Downsize With Style
Conway Stensness, Relax and Move shares advice on moving - including tips on how to make your apartment move as relaxed and least stressful as possible.
QLD: Property Occupations Act furphies
Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal
If your ear has been even remotely to the ground on the legislative front recently you will have heard about the new Property Occupations Act 2014.
NSW: Take Action Now!
Even though the changes to the NSW home building legislation have been pushed back to the middle of January 2015, it is still important to TAKE ACTION NOW! Many owners corporations will lose their rights to make claims for building defects, so please participate - it only takes 2 minutes.
Owners Corporation Network have set up a Take Action page allowing you to quickly & easily send an email to your local member in protest of these changes.
For more information, watch this video from Channel 7 News, 15 November 2014 featuring Karen Stiles, Owners Corporation Network & Christopher Kerin, Kerin Benson Lawyers talking about the matter.
On 1 December 2014 the government plans to change the NSW home building legislation, and many owners corporations will lose their rights to make claims for building defects. - See more at: http://www.ocn.org.au/content/letter-minister#sthash.YVEkLe3v.dpuf
WA: Landgate Strata Titles Act Reform
Public feedback sought on proposed reforms.
Owners, tenants and developers of strata schemes are encouraged to have a say about proposed reforms to Western Australia's strata title laws. For more information, visit the Landgate Strata Act Reform page.