2014 was a productive year for patient & community voices at UBC with plenty of exciting projects and opportunities. Thank you for being part of the work to bring patient and community voices into health professional education. Let's sustain the momentum in 2015!
Wishing you a joyful holiday season!
2014 Community Educator Awardees Honoured
Mo Korchinski and Tiare Laporte were presented with the 1st Annual R. Paul Kerston Community Educator Award at an awards reception hosted by the College of Health Disciplines in November.
Congratulations to these two outstanding community educators!
2015 Call for Nominations!
Nominations for the 2015 R. Paul Kerston Community Educator Award will be accepted until March 31, 2015.
Named after long-time community educator, R. Paul Kerston, the award honours outstanding community educators who have made a difference to student learning at UBC. Read more...
Nomination deadline: March 31, 2015. Send your nomination form to: cathy.kline@ubc.ca Review process: April Award(s) announced by end of April
"The health mentors program is one in which the patient's voice is given the highest value, the professionals listen, and the purpose is to understand health challenges from the patient's perspective. Learning from our health mentor and each other, we as students have become more mindful of the holistic needs of patients and have been inspired to make a mutual commitment to create meaningful change.” says Katie, a 4th year nursing student.
Katie's nomination was supported by her Health Mentor Bill Gibson who says, “People like Katie Chapman will make things better. The John H.V. Gilbert Interprofessional Scholarship is for people who have demonstrated student leadership in interprofessional education for collaborative patient-centred practice. Katie has done this and I, the patient, was fortunate to have been there and been a part of it.”
Division of Health Care Communication
College of Health Disciplines
Woodward Instructional Resources Center
400 - 2194 Health Sciences Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3, Canada
Tel: (604) 822-8002
Email: isdm.dhcc@ubc.ca