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From the hearts of Keith & Lori Carey:

We are so excited to write this update and share the many things God is doing in America and in Uganda, Africa.  It is with great pleasure that we get to serve Jesus in so many different ways and to minister to those He puts in our path. We are amazed at the opportunities God has given us and we are excited about the doors He is opening for future opportunities.

Enclosed you will find an update on our lives that we have been so excited to share with all of you. Lori and I have recently teamed up with Agents For Christ (AFC) and are in the preparation stage of full time missions ministry.

Here’s a quote from the November 2014 AFC newsletter:

God continues to guide and expand all that He is doing in and through AFC. With that being said, we are excited about two new Agents that God has raised up to be a part of our team.

Introducing Keith and Lori Carey:

Keith and Lori Carey from Portland, OR have been dear friends and partners in our work in both America and Uganda for several years. It is an answer to many prayers that they are now joining us.  We believed that God would bring another couple to serve with us in this ministry and in God’s perfect timing He has raised up these two wonderful people!

Here is a little background information about them, but what we love the most is that they both love Jesus with all of their hearts!

Keith Carey:
Since the early 90’s, Keith has owned and operated a contracting and home services business. In 2004 he began working for Union Pacific railroad, most recently working as a yard master along with continuing his business endeavors. He has enjoyed teaching and equipping disciples over the past 25 years in ministries ranging from adult singles to mens ministry. He has been the leader of jr high and high school kids as well as a time as an elder in a local church in Portland, OR. God has put a burning passion in his heart to reach the nations for Jesus Christ and make Him known. 2015 will be a year of change as Keith and his family transition from his hometown of Portland Oregon to Ishunga, Uganda. As a true “jack of all trades,” Keith has been gifted in many areas and looks forward to applying all God has equipped him with as he joins Agents for Christ.

Lori Carey:
As the wife of Keith, and the mother of three young men, one of which is still a teenager, Lori assists and serves as a medical assistant in a women's clinic. Prayer and the healing power of Jesus Christ to a broken world are close to her heart. Lori is involved in women's ministry as well as serving in the nursery at her home church. She has a passion for restoration of the individuals and families. Coming alongside Keith, loving, serving, and sharing Jesus to everyone she encounters is the desire of her heart.

Please join us in praying for Keith and Lori Carey. Selling everything you own, leaving your jobs and heading out into the mission field is a very stretching time. As God guides, he will provide.  Not only financially, but the strength and grace that is needed to do what the LORD is calling them to do, but your prayers are greatly needed!

As Lori and I step out in faith to the calling God has for us, we ask for your prayers over the next several months. We are so excited to see what the future holds and are secure in knowing Who holds it.

Be Blessed,
Keith & Lori

Below you can get a bit more about what is going on with AFC in the US and Uganda...

Note from Pastor Dave:

Wow, how time flies! Can you believe it was six years ago when we stepped into our RVs and drove away from Portland Oregon to serve the Lord in evangelism. For over three years we traveled the country, and so much has changed since then. Yet, the heart of Agents for Christ remains the same, "To know Him and make Him known.”

I have now been on staff at Calvary Chapel Southeast Portland for three years. Wow! Things have changed here recently, as I have took on being the Youth Pastor.  My hope and prayer is to pour into the youth a heart for Jesus and a heart to reach others for Him!

At the same time, the Evangelism Minute radio ministry is still at the heart of who I am. Recently, we have had many more stations asking to play the minutes! Internet radio is really becoming the focus of many ministries, and that has opened many doors for our Evangelism Minute Ministry. Pray that The Lord would continue to stir hearts of believers to reach the lost through this ministry!

Got Tracts continues to do well. Many people are still making Got Tracts their source for gospel tracts! We also receive many emails, as well as phone calls from people who are looking for answers. Whether it be help in evangelism, or just people wanting to know more about Jesus!

We are also in the middle of revamping the website  We are hoping to offer more tools on the site like blogs, articles on evangelism, and apologetic answers to tough questions, as well as other materials down the road. Please keep this in prayer. That the Lord would provide wisdom in building this website, as well as the funds to do it!

In the USA, we have seen the Evangelism Minute Ministry growing rapidly as new radio stations have added our simple but encouraging one minute evangelism message to their broadcasts.  Beyond the USA,  the Evangelism Minute is also reaching people all over the globe as it is played on internet radio.  Our tract ministry also continues to grow, with people all over the world using our simple Gospel tracts as a tool to share Jesus every day.


Don’t get comfortable

Ever heard someone say “don’t get comfortable”? it usually means, “you got work to do”.  As Christians, we are not called to get comfortable, we are called to get radical. The apostle Paul suffered much for the gospel, but not even prison could stop him from sharing it! He says in 2 Timothy 2:8-10, "Remember that Jesus Christ, of the seed of David, was raised from the dead according to my gospel, for which I suffer trouble as an evildoer, even to the point of chains; but the word of God is not chained. Therefore I endure all things for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation, which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory."

Paul was more concerned about others than his own comfort and we should pray and act with the same heart.

May the LORD bless you as you share your faith!

Agent Dave out!


Note from Pastor Bill

In Uganda, we have finished building the Ishunga Mission Outreach Center (IMOC) and have implemented many different activities as a means of reaching the community around us including; weekly outreach, Sunday morning Bible study, Men’s and Women’s Bible studies, and we have continued our Saturday morning Kids Bible Club.  

We praise God for the people He keeps bringing to hear His Word each week and we are especially thankful for the 120+ kids He brings every Saturday.

God is at work in a big way in Uganda, but also in our ministries in the USA as we take aim to take the Good News all over the world. Our hope is to inform you and keep you updated as often as possible so that you will know how to pray and how you can be a part of what God is doing in and through this ministry.  Therefore, in our upcoming newsletters, we will share a note from Pastor Dave Chaffee who runs AFC Ministries in America, including an Evangelism Minute in each newsletter to encourage you to share your faith.  We will also include a note from Pastor Bill James who runs AFC ministries in Uganda and our current prayer needs.

Clearly we cannot do anything without Jesus and He calls the body of Christ to stand and work together to fulfill His will.  So we thank you for standing with us as we serve as His Agents.  

We have been on the ground in western Uganda for just over seven months.  When we arrived, it really seemed impossible.  As I wrestled to walk up the hill, through the bushes and trees, to the spot where I had envisioned building a ministry center. I stood there wondering if I really was crazy and if I had brought my family out to the middle of nowhere following my own will and not God’s.  That first night in the hotel, I really prayed hard because my doubts were getting bigger than my faith.  But, within a very short time I saw clearly that God was in control and that He was guiding the work in western Uganda.  

Now seven months later, I am sitting in my office writing to all of you about the amazing God we serve.

We have a mission center, a well giving water to the entire community and our weekly Bible studies are flourishing and people are hungry for the Word of God.

As we are doing finishing touches on the Ishunga Mission Outreach Center (IMOC) and seeking God with all our hearts to show us the way forward.  We know that the LORD sent us here to teach the Bible, but specifically to focus on teaching the children God’s Word, so that the next generation will know Jesus! We have discovered that a major focus in Uganda is education and that children spend about 10 hours a day in school.

Discipleship is a long process and it takes time.  With the kids being in school so much, it is very difficult to find time to disciple them and although we see fruit from theSaturday Kids Bible Club and Sunday morning Bible study, we believe the LORD is leading us to start a school that puts Jesus and God’s Word at the center of every subject.  Please join us in prayer for this vision.  We have barely finished the first project and now feel the LORD is calling us to step out in faith and start a Christian School.  This seems like a difficult venture, but we know with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!

His agent,
Bill James

AFC Site
AFC Site

Prayer Requests:

  • For financial support for Keith and Lori Carey as they step out in faith and join Agents for Christ.

  • Wisdom and God’s leading for our current outreach ministries and continued vision for future ministry at IMOC.

  • Continued understanding of the language in our community.  

  • Dave and Deanna as they serve at our home church and minister here in the states through Got Tracts, and the Evangelism-Minute radio broadcasts.  

  • For Financial needs to be met in every AFC ministry.

 As always, THANK YOU! We really can’t say it enough!  We truly and humbly appreciate everyone who has supported and continues to support the work of Agents for Christ as we minister to people through our various ministries: Got Tracts, Evangelism Minute, and the Uganda Kids Project. Your faithfulness helps make it possible to reach the lost with the gospel message and bring the hope and love of Jesus to people around the world.

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