Welcome to Starr Struck's December Newsletter! Your monthly dose of all things yoga, art, and living an inspired, creative, simple life. 


December, the Friday of the months. 

So, it's December. A new month, full o' festivities. But I don't really want to talk about December today.

The holidays are everywhere and already in your face and I'm sure I'll talk about them a lot on the blog over the next couple of weeks (like in today's post, for instance), so here in the newsletter, I want to talk about planning ahead.

I don't know about you, but I've already started plotting out my 2015. I bought my new planner months ago, and I can't tell you how satisfying it was to go ahead and fill in all of the big events and already-scheduled workshops and retreats. {There's nothing like a new blank planner!}

Before I get ahead of myself, let me stop here and say that yes, of course I want you to live in the present and enjoy this month full of events, family, friends, cheer, and eggnog (vegnog?). But, I also want to encourage you to use this month to do a little planning for 2015, beyond just jotting down the big dates in your new planner...

Here's the thing that I find happens in December:

At the beginning of the month, we think, "Okay, here we go!" and we get ourselves amped up for the busyness. We all know that the holidays are fairly crazy, and although I do think it's possible to have a more mindful holiday season (see today's  post for more on this), I also think that December is what it is, and that's pretty freaking full for most people.

Thus, we hold onto our hats at the beginning of December, we enjoy the month as we go from one event to work to another event to bed to another event, and before we know it, we're looking at New Year's Eve. If we're lucky, we've found a little time to relax, but often we really haven't. 

And then we think--"Eek! I need to set some goals for the New Year!" And we do it in a rush, or not at all, or a little late, when we're already heading back to work + our routines, and we simply don't make the most of it.

So why not start thinking about the New Year now? Not resolutions, but big picture.

What do you want to make happen in 2015? Do you want to finally start a blog, or adopt a dog, or get down to part-time at your full-time job, so that you can pursue your other passions? Do you want to write a book in 2015 or go on a retreat or your first solo vacation? Do you want to do a yoga teacher training?

These are the type of big picture things I'm talking about, and I think now is the time to start thinking about them--not December 31st or January 1st or April 13th, but today. 

What do you want for 2015? What feels important to you? I urge you to start thinking about this and then do the following exercise with your big goal/big goals:
  • What is the goal?
  • What needs to happen in order to make this goal a reality? What steps do you need to take/what work do you need to put in?
  • Take the above steps and break them down into quarterly goals.
  • Break your quarterly goals down into monthly goals.
  • Break your monthly goals down into weekly to-dos.
  • Look at your schedule and find chunks of time where you can get these to-dos done. 
  • Put these chunks of time into your calendar as appointments (with yourself).
  • Consider yourself ready to tackle your big goals(s) for 2015 starting January 1st!
Easy enough, right? It's even easier if you have just one big goal for the year, but can definitely work for 5-6 goals, if that's what you're looking at. 

So that's my big advice to you for this month. Start planning ahead now. Take an hour or an afternoon and think about next year. Think about your goals--personally, professionally, physically, and creatively--and start to think about tangible action steps you can take in order to make your dreams a reality. 

It's real, y'all, and I promise that it works.

Now for some monthly inspiration...

Mantra of the Month

“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.” ―Thích Nhất Hạnh

If there's one thing that will get you through this busy season, it's conscious breathing. 


Poem of the Month 

Nest by Jeffrey Harrison

It wasn’t until we got the Christmas tree
into the house and up on the stand
that our daughter discovered a small bird’s nest tucked among its needled branches.

Amazing, that the nest had made it
all the way from Nova Scotia on a truck
mashed together with hundreds of other trees
without being dislodged or crushed.

And now it made the tree feel wilder,
a balsam fir growing in our living room,
as though at any moment a bird might flutter through the house and return to the nest.
And yet, because we’d brought the tree indoors, we’d turned the nest into the first ornament.
So we wound the tree with strings of lights,
draped it with strands of red beads,

and added the other ornaments, then dropped two small brass bells into the nest, like eggs containing music, and hung a painted goldfinch from the branch above, as if to keep them warm.

Painting of the Month 

Untitled by Yusuke Yonezu

How great is this simple little hat illustration? It's so darn festive--I just love it!

Upcoming Workshops & Events

-Preparing for the Holidays with Restorative Yoga at Orleans Yoga + Pilates: Saturday, 12/6 from 2-4pm. Reserve your space here.

-Holiday Soiree at Orleans Yoga + PilatesSaturday, 12/6 from 5-7pm. I'll be selling a selection of my prints, originals, and greeting cards at this holiday event! If you're local, come see me ;) 

-Reflect, Release, + Restore: New Year's Day Workshop at Orleans Yoga + Pilates: Thursday, 1/1 from 10am-12pm. Reserve your space here.

-Foundations of Vinyasa Yoga at Centerville Yoga + Wellness Center: Saturday, 1/10 from 1-3pm. Reserve your space here.
-Costa Rica Art + Asana Retreat, May 2015: 5/23-5/30, 2015. More info + sign-up here.

-Tuscany Art + Asana Retreat, October 2015: 10/10-10/17, 2015. More details + sign-up here.

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Happy Holidays, everyone!

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