Hi everyone,
In this update:
1) draft November 12 BCRG meeting notes and Snapshot
2) Australian Tallow Producer's Biofilter update
3) Hobsons Bay CC - Update from Cr Sandra Wilson re Air Quality
4) Hobsons Bay CC - Update regarding Strategic planning for Brooklyn and Altona North
5) 2015 BCRG Meeting dates
1) draft BCRG meeting notes and Snapshot
Introducing the BCRG Snapshot!
A one page summary of the highlights from November's BCRG meeting.
This is a great way to spread the word about what's happening in Brooklyn. Feel free to post it on your websites and share it through your networks!
Click here to download the Snapshot.
The complete draft meeting notes from the November 12 BCRG forum are now available from the BrooklynIP website. Click here to download.
The notes include information received after the meeting from Maribyrnong CC regarding the old Bradmill site, Hobsons Bay CC regarding Strategic Planning for Brooklyn and Altona North and HBCC regarding Air Quality.
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2) ATP Biofilters Update
ATP is conducting minor works on our biofilters coming into summer.
Works will commence mid this week, 3rd December and will be finished at the latest by the end of the following week, 13th of December, subject to ideal weather conditions. Purpose of these works is to ensure optimum performance of the biofilters before the hotter weather arrives.
The process will involve excavation of each cell of the biofilters – in effect “fluffing†up the treatment material. During the reconditioning process each cell will first be isolated and shut down. Once work is completed the cell will be brought back online before moving on to the next cell ( 3 in total per biofilter)
During the works, odour inspections will be increased to twice a day. No odours are expected.
Feel free to contact Leighton if there are any questions
Australian Tallow Producers
Leighton Black
Environmental Manager
680 Geelong Road, Brooklyn, 3012
T (03) 9318 0369 M 0409 372 535
3) Hobsons Bay CC - Update from Cr Sandra Wilson re Air Quality
At the November BCRG, Cr Sandra Wilson spoke of two areas in which she has been advocating for Brooklyn:
• Federal Minister Hunt has asked state and territory environment ministers to put forward key areas of concern for inclusion within a national clean air agreement. Cr Wilson will follow up any contribution that may have been made from the Victorian Government.
• Cr Wilson will continue to advocate for a longitudinal health impacts study for Brooklyn residents
The letter from HBCC to the Dept of Health and the subsequent response can be seen in the BCRG meeting notes or on the Brooklynip website.
4) Hobsons Bay CC - Update regarding Strategic planning for Brooklyn and Altona North
HBCC have sent through a summary document in response to a question at the November BCRG relating to planning and development in Brooklyn and Altona North. This can be seen in the BCRG meeting notes or on the Brooklynip website.
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Diary dates - BCRG Community Forum meeting dates for 2015 are Wednesday February 18, May 13, August 12 and November 11.
Remember this forum is open to everyone!
Forward this e-news on - Remember you can promote BCRG to the wider community. If you know someone who may be interested in the updates, there are links at the top and bottom of this email enabling you to forward to a friend or add an email address to our list. (The database is tightly controlled to protect individuals’ contact details, and is used solely for the purposes of disseminating relevant information.)
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Andrea Mason
Executive Officer
Brooklyn Community Representative Group
Ph: 0427 338 482
PO Box 8001, Rippleside, Vic, 3215
Email: eo.bcrg@gmail.com
Web: www.brooklynip.com.au
PS BCRG Community Forum meeting dates for 2015 are Wednesday February 18, May 13, August 12 and November 11.
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The contents of this update and any attachments are forwarded for information purposes. They do not necessarily reflect the views of BCRG, including the Convenor, Executive Officer or its membership. BCRG is not aligned with (or influenced by) any political entity or any one organisation. It exists for the purpose of facilitating community, industry, local government and EPA to work together to ensure that public concerns and aspirations regarding odour, noise and dust in the general Brooklyn area are consistently understood and considered. That being said, real engagement necessitates dissemination of a range of ideas, opinions and views in order to enable informed participation from a broad base.