November 2014

A Message from Phyllis

Dear <<First Name>>,
During this month of November there was an unusual amount of snow that fell in cities in the United States.  I watched the news the other night as a woman was being interviewed in Albany, New York. They had six feet of snow and two more feet were expected to fall.  The woman was trapped in her house and a door had fallen in from the heavy snowfall. When asked how she was doing, she kept repeating “We are safe and that’s all that matters.” “We are safe and that’s all that matters.”

What a wonderful attitude. She focused on what was really important. As Thanksgiving approaches, let’s look at what we have to be grateful for. Take some time this month to be grateful for what we have. Focusing on gratitude is energizing. Just as focusing on what we lack is draining.

I saw a quote that read, “My socks may not match, but my feet are always warm.” Love it! 

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and share gratitude with the people in your life.

Warm regards, Phyllis



2015 coming soon!

This Month's Article

Extending Your Gratitude

During this month of Thanksgiving, let’s look at what we have to be thankful for. Whether it is in our businesses or our personal lives, how often do you think about how much you have? Let’s focus on what you have accomplished this year. Take a few minutes now to make a list of what projects you have completed, what new clients you have attracted and any personal successes you have had. Now think about the people who may have helped you along the way.  We rarely achieve anything alone. Whether its family members, customers and clients who have been with us for many years, or the people in our lives who have contributed to our successes, we need to express our gratitude to them. There are many ways to show friends, customers, clients, neighbors and associates how much you value having them in your life. It can be as simple as a personal note or as elaborate as a dinner or lunch at a favorite restaurant.  You might want to send a client flowers or a note or just tell them how valued they are.
Consider sending an email or letter of gratitude to your clients thanking them for their continued support and for their business.  If they feel you appreciate them, it can only enhance your relationship. You can mention some successes you’ve accomplished this year and reinforce how grateful you are for their business. You might want to include a box of candy or a book to your larger accounts.
In your letter of gratitude you might also consider mentioning some client extras or added value you have integrated into your business. (If you don’t offer any added value, perhaps now is the time to implement some.) An added value might be a yearly golf outing, a dinner, or an unexpected phone call from you to just see how they’re doing.
For example, as a coach, my clients contract for two or three telephone sessions per month, but I give extra short calls whenever needed and unlimited e-mail coaching. Clients can also attend most of my seminars at no charge. These are added value for my clients. Think about something extra you can do for your customers and mention it in the letter of gratitude that you send.

During this holiday season why not plan a gathering of prospective clients or friends?  Maybe it’s time to show gratitude to your family. 
When was the last time you expressed gratitude to yourself? Sometimes we are so busy striving to reach our goals we forget to acknowledge our own achievements. Take some time in the next few days to make a list of things you are grateful for. Look at the past year. Don’t focus on the client you didn’t get or the one thing you didn’t accomplish. To make your gratitude list, focus on the positives and your successes and wins.  Make a list of everything you are grateful for.  Simply focusing on the positives will help you to manifest more positives in your life.  I’ve seen it happen time and time again.
Focus on what it is that you want. Create a list of ten daily habits that you would like to incorporate into your schedule. It might be a walk, a relaxing bath, taking time to read a book for pleasure, having a conversation with a good friend, meditating or learning a foreign language.  Make a list of daily acts of self-care and work on adding them to your life. Be grateful for you. You deserve it!

Have a great holiday!
Best always, Phyllis


Published by Phyllis Sisenwine, Master Certified Coach, Motivational Speaker and writer. She works with clients to earn more money, improve time management and stay focused. To schedule a powerful coaching conversation send an email. Her website is located at

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Phyllis Sisenwine, Master Certified Coach



Phyllis Sisenwine

(215) 968-2424

Ph: 215-968-2424
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