Two new TENDRIL decks on Kickstarter, Dec 1st, 10am EST
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Tendril on Kickstarter Dec 1st, 10am EST
The long-awaited sequels to the groundbreaking TENDRIL deck will be coming to Kickstarter in just a few days. The original sold out quickly and has been highly sought after by collectors for years, so don't miss your first and best opportunity to get these TWO amazing sequels.
Ascendant & Nightfall
Tendril: Ascendant. Its design incorporates all the refinements that we have learned over the years and mixes those with the organic symmetry first seen in Tendril. The colors are bold, the borders are intense, the faces are dark and the level of detail has been increased.

Tendril: Nightfall. Nightfall is a mirror of the original, with much the same art and layout. We designed the original to be as if you were in the tropical rainforest, peering up at the sun through the natural habitat. Nightfall is that same view, but time-shifted to the evening, when the moon is glowing and the light is cool and dark.
Ascendant Sample Cards
Nightfall Sample Cards
Along with the decks, there will be some other great rewards and add-ons. If you are quick, there will be a handful of Early Bird rewards that are as close to free as you can get. There will also be some special, hand-crafted collector items and a select number of great add-ons, such as a gold Encarded coin, holographic personalized seals and uncut sheets.

Don't miss these great decks. Encarded projects are always a ONE-TIME print, and your best (perhaps only!) chance to get the new Tendril decks will be on Kickstarter, December 1st at 10am EST. 

As always, Encarded couldn't create these projects without the loyal support of all our customers, and we thank you once again for your support! We look forward to seeing you next Monday!
Paul Carpenter
Stay tuned to our email list and social media for all the latest on these upcoming projects. If you haven't Liked our Facebook page or follow us on Twitter or Instagram, we'd encourage you to do so right now. Don't miss your chance to get some of these new decks!
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