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November 26, 2014
WEPC E-News 
Dear <<First Name>>,
WEPC E-News is an email supplement to the monthly newsletter.  We hope this will engage your awareness of up and coming events at West End Presbyterian Church!  

ADVENT BEGINS this Sunday. Already the holiday rush is upon us, and we urge you to just call “time out” in the frenzy of your lives. Take a peaceful pause at 11 a.m. Sunday morning in our sanctuary. Feel  the hope of Advent as the first candle is lit and we sing hymns and hear scriptures appropriate to the occasion. I will preach from a passage in the gospel of Mark. Many people are away and traveling, so if you are here, we need you to come praise, worship and thank the Lord our God!   Peace, Larry

The flowers in the sanctuary this Sunday morning are given to the glory of God by Kim White in remembrance of her parents' anniversary and in celebration of her husband,
Kenny's birthday.
WOW CHRISTMAS DINNER & SHOW  Our WOW children's program will present its annual Christmas production on Sunday, Dec. 7, at 6 p.m. in the Crawford Center. This is also a potluck dinner. Please mark you calendars, bring along a covered dish, and enjoy this amazing night of joyful fellowship!
ADVENT EVENTS Join us for Christmas caroling on Sunday evening, Dec. 21. We will gather in the Crawford Center parking lot at 5:30 p.m. and caravan together to the homes of some of our shut-ins. This event brings smiles to everybody and is a time of Christmas joy. Also, our Christmas cantata comes on Dec. 14, our WOW children's Christmas production is on Sunday evening, Dec. 7,  and our Christmas Eve service is at 7 p.m. on Dec. 24.
WOMEN'S MORNING CIRCLE The morning circle will be having its annual Christmas breakfast at 9:30 a.m. this Monday in Priscilla's Kitchen. This is a covered dish, bring your favorite recipe and join us for a morning of fellowship.
DECORATE THE SANCTUARY Volunteers are needed to decorate the church for the holidays. Both, women and men are wanted to help hang wreaths, set up and decorate the Chrismon Tree, and so much more. Poinsettias will be ordered and placed within the sanctuary for the many festivities and to celebrate our savior, Jesus Christ's birth.  Whether you have helped in the past or have never helped before, ALL are encouraged to participate on Thursday, Dec. 4, at 9 a.m. at the church. For more information, contact Pat Allan at (910) 673-2032.
FAMILY PROMISE A huge thank you to each and every volunteer who has stepped forward to help with Family Promise, Dec. 7-13. The majority of volunteer slots have been filled, however, we still need cooks, evening and overnight hosts. Sign up sheets will remain in the rear of the sanctuary through this Sunday's service. Please consider contributing your time and talent in support of this most worthwhile, rewarding outreach ministry. Any questions, please call Joanne & Charlie Merical at
The Presbyterian Men will gather for breakfast at 8 a.m. on Sunday, Dec. 7, in Priscilla's Kitchen in the Crawford Center.
CHILDREN'S WORSHIP BAGS Children's Sunday worship bags are available in the back of the sanctuary.These bags contain items to help them engage in the worship service. The bags are for two different age groups and are marked with a tag: ages 3-6 (these can also be for children under 3) and ages 7-12. At the conclusion of the service, please return the bags and their contents back to the baskets.
STEWARDSHIP So far the church has received 125 pledge cards, totaling $357,088. The goal is $400,000. If you have not done so already, we encourage you to send in your pledge card. Thanks to all those who have turned your pledge card in! Your pledge helps us to best plan for the operations and ministry of WEPC in 2015.
USHERS PLEASE We are in critical need of folks willing to usher on Sunday mornings.This is an easy and meaningful way to participate in the life of your church. This does not have to be a huge commitment. The sign up sheet is on the information table.  For more information, contact Mac Clark at

Youth Group (6-12th grade) will not meet this Sunday evening. 
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