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Chapter 4 - Positivity Wins


A More In-Depth Look at Discipline: The Art of Achieving Greatness

I really don't think people can hear this point enough.

Positivity wins every single time.

If people know it, most of them sure don't live it out. It seems most want to stay down, depressed and feeling sorry for themselves. The struggle of life becomes appealing for some unapparent reason and before people know it, one "down in the dumps" situation has spiraled into a series of negative thoughts. The main point is that people don't usually realize they think negatively or 
speak negative words either. People need to finally take responsibility for their thought life and the words that they speak, because the words that people speak matter.

Your words reflect your thought life.

Stop and think about the words that you have spoken today. Are they full of life or are they defeating? 

With positive words you can change your own perspective and other's perspective as well.

The fact that doing this one thing can reach into someone else's life and change the way they view their situation is life changing for everyone involved.

Change your negative thinking by putting positive influences in your life through the people you surround yourself with, the books that you read, the media that you watch and consume and again WITH THE WORDS THAT YOU SPEAK. 

Think twice this week before you speak. Make it a habit to be a positive influence into the lives around you. Remember, your words are life-changing.

If you have the time, please tell me over on my blog how these tools are helping you add more discipline in your life. Also, if you feel like sharing your biggest life goals, I would love to hear them. Please reply to this email and let me know what you are working on. I would love to help you in your journey.

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