Gospel Team Prayer Update
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GT 2013 Update

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You are getting this prayer update because:
1) you have signed up to pray for someone every day on Gospel Team,
2) you are involved in Gospel Team in some way,
3) you are a parent of a student on Gospel Team.

For the next 7 days, we plan to send you updates from the road so that you can pray with us for God to work and praise him for what he does! We hope to keep you informed so you can pray knowledgably for us, particularly the individual with whom you are a prayer partner.

Training Camp

Ai Tomabechi helped students practice sharing their faith without using "Christian vocabulary"
Students arrived at Hi-BA Camp in Chiba on Friday morning to begin an intense 25 hours of training. On a practical level, we learned new songs, practiced old songs, created skits, learned to lead games, and learned tips to handing out fliers in front of train stations and schools. Hi-BA staff Arthur Kraai challenged us to have humility, take the spiritual battle seriously, and keep the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ at the center.

Kickoff Rally

Small group time during the Kickoff Rally
To allow GT members to mingle, interact with, and encourage regular Japanese Hi-BA students - this was the purpose of the Saturday afternoon Kickoff Rally. Rousing music interspersed with small group prayer, and a message from Hi-BA Staff Chieko Suzuki, made for a stellar launch to GT 2013. With the GT members not doing morning tracting in most Kanto areas this summer, regular Hi-BA students are being challenged to make an exceptional effort to get their friends to come out. Pray that  they would be up for the task.
Thanks for your prayers and support!

GT 2013 Members

TEAM WEST (Tokai, Kansai)
Andrew - support staff
Keita - assistant leader
Lindsey - team leader

Sharayah - support staff
Hitomi - support staff
Ai - support staff
Dave - assistant leader
Olivier - team leader

Leadership Team (Hi-BA Staff)
Ryutaro Kawaguchi
Chieko Suzuki
Ai Tomabechi
Arthur Kraai

Church Visits

Visiting Kokubunji Baptist Church
Sunday both teams visited churches that have supported Hi-BA Gospel Team over the years. We shared about GT 2013 along with song and testimonies at Kurume Christ Church and Kokubunji Baptist Church.

Prayer Items

Praise for
- a great start to GT 2013
- prayer partners around the world
- financial support
- partner churches

Pray for
- safety while traveling
- adequate rest and lots of energy
- divine appointments
- first day of tracting tomorrow
- boldness in witnessing

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