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LookUpStrata P/L

Welcome to our first new Newsletter format

We apologise if you experienced a few small technical issues on the site this week. Thanks so much to Tracey Munn from Small Business Gurus & the team from Digital Pacific for helping us to resolve the issue. Thank you also to those members who alerted me to linking issues/slight clunkiness of the site. Please feel free to contact us if you have any concerns in the future. We are committed to providing the very best service we can, however we need to be informed of problems so we can do our very best to fix them.

Happy with the new format of the newsletter? Like what you see? Why not forward this information on to someone you know who would also be interested.

Would you like to be featured in an upcoming newsletter? Post an interesting question in the forum or let me know if you have an idea for an article. Contact me at

Insuring Your Strata

By Joel Carkeet
Solutions In Engineering

With recent bushfires, earthquakes and floods inflicting millions of dollars worth of damage to buildings unit owners are now realizing the vital importance of an accurate, up to date insurance valuation to ensure their assets are protected.
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Pay Now - Relax Later

By John Edds
Body Corporate Rescue

During the course of my day, I hear about special strata levies for maintenance and capital works that should have been covered forward by well planned budgeting. This is upsetting for most owners.....
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Sustainability in Strata

Have you looked at our new Sustainability page?
Catch up on the latest updates concerning sustainable strata schemes. Explore the Sustainability Pyramid, discover what a Green Building looks like, find out how to make a positive change around your apartment building or register your building with Smart Blocks and start instigating change.
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What action can be taken against lot owners who don't pay their levies?

Forum Post:
Levy recovery process: who designs the debt recovery process? The Regulation indicates 2 years as the timeframe. What does this mean? If 12% of lot owners are not paying their levies what is to stop all lot owners from not paying?
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Car Park Management & Strata Parking Rules

Forum Post By Anthony Ulijn, Triumphants:
We have multiple calls daily from owners complaining that someone is parked in their bay. Often it’s other residents or their visitors but occasionally it is also tradesmen /service technicians who are in the building...
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