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Jump for Joy! Photo Project
Showcasing the beauty of the human spirit - in mid air - around the world

Jump for Joy! Photo Project

Showcasing the beauty of the human spirit - in mid air - around the world

Quote: “The important thing is to dare to dream big' then take action to make it come true.” - Joe Girard

Featured jumper of the week: MALORIE SHMYR! Like Jump for Joy! Featuring MALORIE SHMYR on Facebook
MALORIE SHMYR ... From/Live: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada! Work: I am a Creative Director, Fine Artist, and 3D modeler.

Q: What inspires you to jump for joy?
A: Lattes & Cheese, Fairies & Dragons…. oh and anything art related!

Q. What was your experience doing the jumping photos?
A: I felt completely free, full of joy and utterly at home in the mossy forest. I felt like Eyoalha really captured the essence of who I am at heart - a sparkling forest sprite, spreading my wings.

Q: What inspires you in life?
A: Twirling, dewdrops, the ever-changing sky… My observations inspire me, the form, shapes and colors of the objects around me constantly set my mind working to what they resemble and what they could become.

Q: Your greatest passion?
A: Coming up with original concepts and making art that I hope will inspire people to view the world around them in a new and more magical light is my greatest passion in life.

Q: Your driving force?
A: The act of channeling my creative energy to bring the ideas that fill my mind to life is what drives me, without a doubt.

Q: Your philosophy?
A: I believe, with every molecule in my being, that everything is possible, with no exceptions.

Q: If you could do anything in the world?
A: I would love to combine my talents as fine artist, creative director and 3d modeler to create avant-garde fashion films on a worldwide scale, and work as an Art Director for feature films. I have been actively building my portfolio and networking with other professionals in the industry while I refine my skill set to bring me towards my goal.

Q: What are you working on?
A: I will soon be unveiling a series of paintings on wood panels with ink and resin, titled “Self Conscious”. In this series I want to show others what real women look like and help them realize their beauty, so I searched for brave, self-conscious women who agreed to pose nude for my paintings. My hope is that this will be the beginning of many great conversations that will inspire acceptance and appreciation of the way our bodies decided to grow.

Also, I've devoted the last 16 months to filling my professional portfolio with work that really speaks to my talents as an art director and conceptual set designer, I actually have several photo shoots that will be released over the next few months that I am so excited to show to the world. Please stay tuned for them and in the meantime check out

Q: Mini bio, interesting facts about you or something special you want to share.
A: I like to put cinnamon on as many things as I can. I believe in dragons. I have 37 houseplants. I speak, read and write some Japanese. I explored Asia with my fiancé for 9 months, 2.5 of which were spent clinging to his back on the rear of a motorcycle we spontaneously purchased on the streets of Hanoi, Vietnam. I am attracted to sparkly things and can spot anything glittering on the ground from a mile away.

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Have a great week, with lots of fun and filled with joy!
Much love, Eyoälha

Jumping photo of Eyoälha taken by Anna Olvera in Maui, Hawaii.
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