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LookUpStrata P/L

Welcome to our latest Newsletter

Good morning. I hope you have been enjoying our weekly Newsletters. I'd like to extend a warm welcome to all of our new members this week.

Although our membership is growing strongly, it would be wonderful to see even more new members join our community. Why not forward this information on to someone you know who would also be interested?

Do you have some information to share? If you would like to find out about posting an article on our blog please contact me at

Just how much does it cost to power your apartment building?

Gareth Huxham, Energy Smart Strata
Energy usage and energy costs is an often forgotten area in strata plans. The first step in tackling energy usage and costs is realizing just how much common area energy is costing you.
Energy Smart Strata’s research study has show that , for 15 mid-sized apartment buildings in Sydney, the average cost of common area electricity was $400 a year per apartment. In one 10-storey apartment building.......
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Striking a Match under the Strata Industry

By Bailey Compton
Leverage Australia Solicitors

Strata Match has come and become a player in the Strata industry. Strata Match advertises to owner’s corporations that when they wish to find a new Strata Manager, they can register with Strata Match and Strata Match will find the best Strata Manager for that owner’s corporation. They also seek registration from Strata Managers who will be given the opportunity to tender to the owner’s corporation......
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Having problems and not sure what to do?

LookUpStrata now has a Dispute Resolution for your Strata Problem page.
The page contains information and links for all states and territories across Australia about dispute resolution for strata issues, steps to take to help you solve your problem and what action to take if you are unhappy with your strata manager. With people living in close proximity it is inevitable that, for some, disputes will be a part of strata living. The first step on the road to dispute resolution begins with the parties involved trying to come to some resolution on their own.

What happened this week in strata?

Keep informed about all the latest news from around the web concerning the strata industry, apartment living and investing. Every morning we publish a daily ePaper, Strata Today - Strata Tilte New from Around the Web, containing news from the previous 24 hours.
Each Saturday, we collect and collate all of the news from the week and publish it in one ePaper.
So, for your fix on all of the interesting events and news of last week, start your week in the know by reading What happened this week in strata?
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