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Welcome to our Latest Weekly Newsletter

Good afternoon to the LookUpStrata community. We would also like to extend a very warm welcome to all of our new members who have joined us over the last week.

If you are reading this Newsletter because it has been forwarded to you by one of our LookUpStrata members, please consider visiting the site and becoming a member. We would love you to join us and contribute to conversations.

For those members who are distributing the Newsletter around, thank you very much for sharing the information.

Remember that the site is guided by its members; therefore if you have a request for some information, or an idea for a new page or forum topic, please let me know.

Sometimes previously published articles appear again in the newsletter. This is usually because new discussion has appeared on the topic.

Would you like to be featured in an upcoming newsletter? Post an interesting question in the forum or let me know if you have an idea for an article. Please contact me at

The Job of the Committee

Teys Lawyers
Effective Governance for Executive Bodies of Strata Communities. A clear statement of the role and responsibilities of any group can be the biggest step towards improving effectiveness and satisfaction. While there are some legal differences between the role of a committee, council or executive of a strata community (as they are variously called), there are analogies between the practical functions of a committee and the board of a company. In this analogy, the strata manager is the CEO of t.....
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Are Strata Disputes Making Life in Your Scheme "Horrendous"?

Currently across Australia’s there are 280,000 owners’ corporations, bodies corporate, and strata companies housing over 24% of Australia’s residents. Further, with approximately 40% of all new developments being in medium or high density housing, the growth looks to continue. With people living in such close proximity, all with diverse backgrounds, interests and practices, it is inevitable that disputes will be a part of strata living. Strata neighbour disputes are a regular occurr....
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The Future of Caretaking Renumeration

This post, written by Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal has received an interesting discussion comment from John Edds, Body Corporate Rescue.
Resident managers don’t always receive what they expect in terms of remuneration. What follows is an unedifying spectacle of the Resident managers then trying to disassociate themselves from the review saying e.g “We shouldn’t have to perform all of those duties for the small amount of mon...
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Building Defects Forum

A request was made to LookUpStrata for a Building Defects Forum. This forum has now been created. As you may be aware, in 2012 research into strata living was conducted by the University of NSW. They found that 85% of people living in schemes built since 2000 felt that their building had some degree of defects. A large proportion of these people reported that the strata building defects had still not been fixed even up to 10 years later.....
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