July 2013

“In the ancient Vedic concept of physical exercise, comfort is most important. While sitting or moving comfortably, prana moves more deeply into the tissues. This brings clarity to the mind, lightness to the body and alertness to the senses. It unfolds peace and bliss in the heart and expands the consciousness. These are the benefits of asana.” — Dr. Vasant Lad

a note from Laurene

Hello Seekers,
Scroll Down to View July Schedule of Yoga Classes.
Please note exceptions to normal class schedule below.

Are We Having Fun?

Do you take the time to do nothing but relax, enjoy a good book, listen to great music, be creative, or just spend a quiet half hour getting a better perspective on your life?

Think back to when you were a child. Everything was new and absorbed your full attention. Each bug, plant, rock, you saw was new and wondrous. Each activity brought with it a sense of delight and a flood of ideas and creativity.

Experiences like these offer glimpses into the soul. They are rooted firmly in the present, impervious to time.

As adults such experiences continue to be important but in our busy-ness we can forget to cultivate them. Experiencing activities that have no external goals or milestones to reach enables us to dig deep into our own wells of creativity and connect more deeply with ourselves and others.

That innocent sense of wonder can be recaptured. It is through play and experimentation that some of our best ideas come to the surface spontaneously. It is in these free moments that we can reconnect with our dharma, our true purpose in life.

Try this:  Staying in the moment, actively
release your fears and pursue your creativity. Follow your intuition and acknowledge the synchronicities that guide you to a new path. Entertain diverse perspectives on a regular basis and let go of rigid fixed beliefs. Become willing to allow the past to die so that you can live in this moment, today, paving the way for a fulfilling tomorrow.

Just as your body is changing in every moment give yourself permission to choose a different way of seeing and being. Each new perspective, experience, and insight fosters new brain patterns. Such wondrous transformations can only happen if you allow yourself the time and freedom to create and re-create every day.

Taking time out away from your normal daily activities is an invaluable way to reconnect with your true desires and potential.  We will be exploring all of the above-mentioned versions of yoga in an intimate, supportive group environment at this summer's Healing Life Yoga Retreat, July 13 - 17.  There is still space available, contact me to register!

Contact me today to set up an Ayurvedic consultation for a personalized plan to support all your systems for a healthier, more radiant and vibrant life!

Curious?  If there is a particular topic in Yoga or Ayurveda that sparks your curiosity, let me know and I will enter it for a future article!




Upcoming Workshops & Retreats

Take a cool break for yourself!
Healing Life Yoga Retreat!
July 13 - 17

Kenyon Ranch
Tumacacori, AZ

Renew your Spirit!

Still Space Available,
Sign Up Today!

We will gather at Kenyon Ranch in Southern Arizona, an easy 2.25 hour drive from North Scottsdale.

This Retreat indulges us in time away to delve deeper into our yoga practice, and expand our understanding of what this practice can offer us on every level of our lives.

Click the link for all the details!

Holistic Basics Yoga
Workshop Series

Coming This Fall

Using the holistic Kosha Model to understand the practice from the interactive perspective of all levels of the individual, we will focus on:
Physical: fundamentals of alignment for key postures;
Energy: understanding and management of movement from within;
Mental: one pointed focus for increased mental awareness;
Emotional: making room for positive expression;
Wisdom: cultivating the Observer;
Spirit: revealing the higher self.

This workshop series is perfect for beginners and anyone who wants to deepen the power of their practice!



July Class Schedule

Laurene's classes are a slow flow hatha blend with roots in Astanga, Anusara, and Iyengar styles and drawing upon traditional yoga techniques, therapeutics, and philosophy. Emphasis is on respecting your body, proper alignment, building strength and flexibility, gaining understanding of the human systems (physical, energetic, mental, emotional, spiritual), and blending yoga into your daily life.  You will leave this class feeling relaxed, grounded, and re-energized!

Mondays Saturdays

10:35 - 11:50 AM     Deep Flow Yoga
Dave's Astanga Yoga
7950 Redfield Road #170
(NW corner of Hayden & Redfield)

Start the week by getting integrated!

NO CLASS July 1, 15, 22

2:00 - 3:15 PM     Deep Flow Yoga
Dave's Astanga Yoga
7950 Redfield Road #17
(NW corner of Hayden & Redfield)

Take "me time"!

NO CLASS July 13, 20, 27


No Wednesday Afternoon Classes at Dave's Over the Summer
We will resume again in the Fall

10:30 AM - Beginning Yoga
Cactus Park
Register with City/Class Cards Do Not Apply
(NE corner of Cactus & Scottsdale Road)

Summer 6/5/13 - 9/11/13 (10 Classes)
NO CLASS: 7/17, 7/24, 8/21


9:00 AM - Intermediate Yoga
10:30 AM - Beginning Yoga
Via Linda Senior Center
Register with City/Class Cards Do Not Apply
(Via Linda south of Shea)

Summer 6/6/13 - 9/12/13 (9 Classes)
NO CLASS: 7/4, 7/18, 7/25, 8/22



Fruit Crisp
 from Laurene's Ayurvedic Kitchen

Yummy way to enjoy summer fruit!  It is quick, easy, and fills the whole house with sweet aroma.
Place in buttered baking dish:
2 C sliced fruit of your choice, such as berries, apples, apricots, etc.
Sprinkle with a little raw sugar, if desired.

Combine in bowl:
1/3 C raw brown sugar
1/4 C whole wheat flour
1/3 C organic rolled oats

Cut in 1/4 C softened butter.

Sprinkle mixture over fruit, bake at 350 degrees about 25 - 30 minutes.  Yum!


The information contained in this message is not to be construed as medical advice.  For applicability to specific cases it is recommended to consult an Ayurvedic Health Practitioner, a qualified Yoga Therapist, and/or your physician.



Ayurvedic Health

Personalized assessment and specific feedback on ways to treat yourself better and give back to your body for all it does for you!

Follow up Ayurvedic Consults & Diet and Lifestyle Counseling in office or via Skype!

Personal Yoga &
Yoga Therapy Sessions

at Laurene's Private Studio
OR Your Home

Personalized practice for individuals and couples for increased strength, energy, and vitality!

Yoga Parties!  Inquire for your special group.

Call or email for times
Wed :: Thur :: Sat :: Sun :: Mon