
Happy 4th of July

Celebrate Independence with the Hoboken Nine at Historic New Bridge Landing, NJ on Saturday 7/6/13

The Hoboken Nine will celebrate freedom, liberty, and independence tomorrow at historic New Bridge Landing at Rivers Edge, NJ for a doubleheader vs the Flemington Neshanocks.  There will be food, drink for sale, as well as a tintype photographer taking 19th century photos.  It all starts at 11AM at the corner of Hackensack Ave and Main Street! Click here for Google Maps.


The Nine played their first date at Waterloo Village last Saturday.  The Brooklyn Atlantics came to Stanhope, NJ and took both matches on "Canal Day."   The Hoboken Nine will return to Waterloo Village on July 27th when the Philadelphia Athletics arrive.   For all photos from Waterloo Village click here.

Back to Old Beth Page Village Restoration, Long Island next Saturday for matches against the NY Mutuals and the Brooklyn Atlantics.   One of our favorite places to play!    For full schedule of matches every Saturday up till Novmeber click here.

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