...and the concept of deserving is a trap.


Recently, I saw a quote from one of the best selling self-help authors in the world. He said, "If you want to have more money, improving your money consciousness is an important first step in attracting the abundance of financial wealth you deserve."           

The good news is that the world is waking up to the idea of improving money consciousness. The bad news is that the goal suggested here is actually part of our problem with money in the first place.

Obviously there is nothing wrong (or right) with having more money. But as a reason for raising consciousness, it has several serious flaws.

The real goal is to be the person that we were meant to be. To grow into our own potential. To be as connected to Source as possible. To bring Light into this physicality of our humanness. When we truly focus on this, we will either have money or not, depending on a lot of factors – but most importantly – it won’t matter one way or another!!

It is sort of like saying, I will be happy when I have x,y, or z. No, the truth is we have to learn how to be happy first – then all of that other stuff actually CAN show up. We have to match the vibration BEFORE something is manifested. It’s not personal, it’s physics!

And we can’t trick the Universe either! It is manipulation if we start from “I want to have more money, therefore I am going to learn to be happy; if I am happy then money will show up”, etc. Such thinking is not awareness and it is missing the real point.

Money is a spiritual tool to help us to be able to see ourselves – our limiting beliefs, our amazing potential and everything in between.  Its value is being a reflective surface to show us what we cannot see for ourselves – about ourselves!!.
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If you would like to hear more, please join me Wednesday, June 26th for a Mind-Opening Dialogue with Angela Loeb where we will be talking about how to use money as the spiritual tool that it is, no matter what amount of the stuff that we have in our bank accounts. 

A Mind-Opening Dialogue
The Currency of Connection: How to Create an Exquisitely Kick-Ass Relationship with Money

Angela Loëb hosts an inspiring no-cost teleclass with Nogie King as part of the OM Times 30 Day Conscious Living Challenge.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013, 12:00 P.M. Central Time Zone
To register or learn more
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