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LookUpStrata P/L

Welcome to our latest Newsletter

Good afternoon to the LookUpStrata community. I hope you are experiencing a little sunshine in your corner of the World. We would also like to extend a very warm welcome to all of our new members.

We are in the process of making the LookUpStrata site even more secure. We should finalise these changes in the next few days and the site will operate under https, using SSL to create an encrypted connection between our site & your web browser. For more information about SSL, feel free to have a look at this link:

Although our membership is growing strongly, it would be wonderful to see even more new members join our community. Why not forward this information on to someone you know who would also be interested?

Would you like to be featured in an upcoming newsletter? Post an interesting question in the forum or let me know if you have an idea for an article. Please contact me via email.

The Future of Caretaking Renumeration

By Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal 
Historically there was no real methodology for calculating caretaking remuneration. Caretaking remuneration is often referenced back to a dollar value per lot per annum for comparison purposes. Those amounts range from $600 through to $2,000 per lot per annum (with some buildings more or less than those figures). There are no hard and fas......
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Strata building defects - what has it got to do with you?

How would your strata council/body corporate react if they were given a bill for $6 million to repair strata building defects? In a strata development in New Zealand each unit owner has to come up with between $50,000 & $75,000 in extra levy payments to repair their dam....

The SUPER to-do list for the most productive strata meetings

A few weeks ago we received some excellent responses to a member question about how to have productive meetings. This post is a collation of the answers received. Responses fell into four main categories: Prepare thoroughly prior to the meeting, Be an excellent time manager, Structure the meeting well and be sure to have a good chairperson on hand...
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Non-mutual income tax: who pays the tax?

Phill Geary, Ascend Strata Support
Most strata managers are aware that in the majority of circumstances non-mutual income earned by a strata company/body corporate is taxable.  The difficulties arise however in ascertaining who is liable to pay… is it the strata company (via a tax return arranged for by the strata manager) or the individual lot owners in their own individual tax returns? To answer the question, str...

Did you know LookUpStrata provides a daily & weekly ePaper?

Every morning LookUpStrata collates all of the latest strata title related information & news from around the web and publishes it a daily ePaper. This is a great way to stay up-to-date on happenings within the strata industry. Watch out for the weekly summary of strata news on a Saturday morning. Both papers can be accessed here.

Strata Events Calendar

Have you checked our strata events calendar?
You will be amazed at the amount of strata events happening every month all around Australia.
Do you have an event coming up sometime in the future?
Would you like some free promotion on the LookUpStrata site?
If so, please let me know via email and I will add it to the calendar.....
Head to our Events Calendar....

Do you have a problem or a question about strata management?

If so, we would love to hear from you in our forum. It is an easy process, just choose the most applicable forum topic and ask away. We will get back to you with an answer as soon as we are able.
Thank you to all of our members who have helped provide answers to forum questions in the past.
Head to our forums
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