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LookUpStrata P/L

Welcome to our latest Newsletter

Good evening to the LookUpStrata community. We would also like to extend a very warm welcome to all of the new members who have joined us this week. It is excellent to see!

I apologise for the delay of this week's newsletter. I accompanied my daughter over to the beautiful Central Coast, NSW where she competed in the International Highland Dancing Championships. It was an excellent & successful weekend, but unfortunately it has thrown my schedule out a little!

Although our membership is growing strongly, it would be wonderful to see even more new members join our community. Why not forward this information on to others who may also be interested.

BIG NEWS this week - How can LookUpStrata improve your Google ranking! Tracey Munn from Small Business Gurus give you some great tips on how to use the LookUpStrata site to improve your ranking.

Previously published posts may appear in the newsletter if new comments or discussions have occurred on the article or post. Feel free to keep the conversation going by posting new comments.

Would you like to post an article or create a group? Please contact me at



Let's Stop The Cars

Bailey Compton, Leverage Australia Solicitors

The first point that must be taken into account is whatever action you threaten to do, you take it. There is no benefit in any law if somebody doesn’t police and enforce that law. Threats will certainly disappear and be forgotten if action is not taken.
Secondly, the action which is proposed must be placed in a by-law. The by-law should cover the following:
It should set out the conduct which is prohibited. For example, “visitors are prohibited from parking in the visitor’s car parks longer than 3 hours".
The by-law should set out what action you are going to take if a person.....
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Striking a Match Under the Strata Industry

Bailey Compton, Leverage Australia Solicitors

There has been continued discussion & comments on this article posted a few weeks ago.
Thanks to John Edds - Body Corporate Rescue, Nicki Wright - Strata Match & Tracy for your comments.
Have something else to ask or add? Please go ahead!

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How can a free site like LookUpStrata improve my Google rankings?

Tracey Munn, Small Business Gurus

Every small business owner we speak to at Small Business Gurus, has exactly the same question for our SEO team; how can I get my website to have a number one Google ranking?
If you share quality content on LookupStrata by guest blogging /commenting or contributing to a discussion, this content will be picked up and ranked.... Read more.....

LookUpStrata Groups: Helping you stay connected - no matter where you are.

Click HERE for Information about LookUpStrata groups, such as:
  • How can I use groups?
  • How can I create a group?
  • Can groups share files?
  • Can groups work on files collaboratively?
Click HERE to explore Groups.

Replacing a faulty front door with a proper front door

Forum Question
What's been happening with Gillian's front door? Follow all of the discussion here. Thanks so much to Douglas Purcell, Rhys Faiers & Simone Balsara for offering information & advice. Thanks Gillian for keeping us posted. We look forward to seeing how you get along. From Gillian's latest update "There are 3 particular council members who have a big influence at the meetings and as none of them need their front doors replacing they don’t want to include it in the levy." Feel free to provide further comments & suggestions if you have any other information which may help Gillian.
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Can a by-law specify the maximum allowed weight for a pet?

I’m in Vic and owner of apartment and rules say I can have a dog under 10kg, what if its a slightly larger dog. Is that ok?
Forum Question, Tracy.

Thanks so much to Simone Balsara, Teys Lawyers & Pam Lewer, Integra Strata Management for providing some answers.

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