it is like a hard pilates class...for your soul

last chance enroll in beFULL until spring!

I am so excited to start the next round of beFULL on Thursday and I wanted to get the opportunity in front of you one last time.

This is not an accountability challenge. This offering is an opportunity to spend time with yourself. Daily mini-jounal prompts take about 10 minutes each morning, but will create a day lived with intention and notice. Text messages from me several times a week will deepen the conversation. Coaching sessions via skype/phone/facetime give us the opportunity to really get brainstorming. And the Facebook group just adds another layer of shared insight.

This is an offering that has built my passion for what I do and what I want to do more of. This offering has expanded my heart as a facilitator. And I want to make sure you recognize the opportunity to experience it as a participant. BeFULL will not be offered again until the spring of 2014. You can find out all the particulars here. But I wanted to give you the opportunity to see what participants have to say. 

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"I didn't know what I was expecting from beFULL, but it delivered. It delivered in the way that a kick-butt workout will deliver results to your body. It's an emotional roller coaster that takes you through your paces, wrings you out, and leaves you gasping on the floor... but then it picks you back up, towels you off, dabs on a little lip gloss and sends you back out into the world feeling better than ever before.

Life is a journey that's all about growth, and growth can hurt. beFULL hurts in the way that a good deep stretch hurts after sitting still too long - especially if you've been sitting in an uncomfortable position. Getting up from that position can hurt worse than staying still, and stretching can hurt worse still... but you have to stretch, or else you'll just be stiff and sore and cranky at everyone for days that you left your uncomfortable position. beFULL was that stretch for me. It pulled me out of the last vestiges of a terrible position and when the stretch was done, I honestly felt like a different person. A better person. A person more true to myself.  A woman I wasn't sure even existed had come out of her shell, and suddenly I stopped pretending to be her, and just simply was her.

beFULL will hurt. But it will be worth it. It's an exercise for the soul. It's a mental pilates class that leaves you all sweaty and noodley on the mat. And at the end, you actually do get the six-pack abs of badassery that the workout DVD promised on the cover." ~ Alicia from Florida

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"You know all those thoughts and ideas you have right before you fall asleep at night--those big dreams? And then you wake up you have a million reasons why none of it will ever work--it's just too scary, you can't do any of them, you're just too busy, and anyway life is generally OK now? Those thoughts are your future happiness, and with beFULL, Krissie will help you work through them in the sunshine. She will help you look at why those ideas are scary, at why they are amazing, at how they could change your life if you'd let them. The prompts that she sends are just the beginning of the journey, the opening door. The one-on-one phone calls or texts are the first steps over the threshold. And when you smell the air out there, when you see your dreams with their beautiful winged possibilities flying all around you, you'll find yourself taking your own steps out there into the world of making your best self." ~ Lori from Pennsylvania

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"I love having the daily check-ins with, Krissie. It holds me accountable to myself and aids in making gradual, lasting change. In the past I tended to think that change had to happen all at once and in a big way. Now I can see that spending some time, every day, focused on myself is what has potential to lead to overarching change.

Krissie is so skilled at getting to the bottom of a thought or reframing a question; it really helps me evaluate issues from all angles. In addition to the structured prompts that guide the content of the course, she's full of ideas and tactics that focus on what I need." ~ Emily from Texas
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"The beFULL daily sessions are slowly changing my life.  They are thought-provoking and have really helped me discover my true daily needs.  For me, it is to live a peaceful life. A life without pressure and stress, one with warmth and self-care.  After several weeks, I'm now subconsciousness making decisions that bring me peacefulness. Whether its a evening walk on the beach or an hour of journaling;  it's really helped me focus on having a positive state of mind.

Krissie is an absolute gem to work with!  She supports, motivates and encourages you to discover your true authentic self.  The daily exercises help you find the person that you want to be.  I would highly recommend Committed Coaching to anyone looking for self exploration to better their lives." ~ Lynn from Canada

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I hope you will take a look at beFULL. Give it a shot. Make that investment in yourself. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or reservations. You can reply to this email and it will get to me.

Have a happy day, friends. And remember that registration will close Wednesday at 8pm EST.

be full,

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