CapacityPlus NewsletterJuly 2013
Improving Access to Supplies for HIV Services

Dedication is important in tackling health workforce challenges, and it’s something Arelis Batista sees from her colleagues at the Ministry of Health in the Dominican Republic. “It’s a good time right now in our country because my team is very committed.”

Batista is talking about enabling health workers to improve access to ARVs and other commodities that are vital in providing services for HIV/AIDS. With her coworkers, she has been implementing an action plan created during a three-day regional workshop facilitated by CapacityPlus in Antigua, Guatemala, to address challenges to securing a consistent supply of HIV/AIDS-related commodities. With donor support for securing these commodities declining in Latin America and the Caribbean, planning and sustained commitment are needed to ensure the estimated 1.63 million people living with HIV in the region have access to needed medications and supplies. Read more »

News and Views

New Leadership and Strategic Plan to Further Goals of the People that Deliver Initiative

Uganda has run out of most antiretroviral drugs, HIV testing kits, drugs to treat opportunistic infections, and several crucial diagnostic tools for HIV care, according to a recent Ministry of Health stock status report. The People that Deliver Initiative hopes to change this dire situation in Uganda and prevent it from happening in other countries by scaling up human resources involved in supply chain management. Read more »

Guatemala Adopts iHRIS to Manage Health Workforce

Guatemala is the newest country to adopt the open source iHRIS software for tracking, managing, and planning the health workforce. At least 14 other countries are actively using the software. Read more »

Dr. Alfredo Fort Named Director of Monitoring and Evaluation for CapacityPlus

Dr. Alfredo Fort returns to IntraHealth International as the new director of monitoring and evaluation for CapacityPlus. He will also lead CapacityPlus’s gender team and knowledge management team, which manages the HRH Global Resource Center. Read more »
Uganda Launches iHRIS Train to Track Health Worker Training

Health workforce decision-makers now have a new tool for their toolbox: iHRIS Train, software that tracks health worker training and reports on the number of health professionals being produced in a country. Read more »
Three Answers for Walking Faster and Reaching Farther in Our Response to AIDS

Many local nongovernmental organizations and civil society organizations around the world depend on the Global Fund, PEPFAR, and other donor money to respond to HIV and support people living with the virus. But with diminishing donor funds expected, the funding base of these organizations is unstable. Read more »
Nigeria Spotlight

For millions of women in the world, giving birth is one of the biggest threats to their lives. Nigeria has one of the highest maternal mortality ratios—approximately 630 women die for every 100,000 births. Having a trained health worker present during the birth can make the difference between life and death for both the mother and the baby. But the challenge lies in ensuring that health workers are present, ready, connected, and safe.

CapacityPlus’s recent work in Nigeria focuses on ensuring health workers are “ready,” meaning that they have the necessary motivation, competencies, and support to meet the needs of their clients and communities. When the CapacityPlus team asked faculty and administrators at schools of midwifery and health technology how the project could support them, the most common answer was, “Train our teachers.” Read more »

New Resource

Administrateur iHRIS
French version of iHRIS Administrator: Level 1.

More »

"I'm a Health Worker"

Nabirye Ruth Wanyama, Senior Nursing Officer in Uganda
Nabirye explains why she became a health worker and what motivates her to save lives.

More »


Supporting the Social Service Workforce: Tools for Attracting and Retaining Workers in Underserved Areas
August 8, webinar

September 17–19, Kampala

More »

Learn More

Check out other CapacityPlus news, blog posts, and resources and let us know what you think. And help us spread the word about strengthening the health workforce by following us on Twitter and joining us on Facebook.

The CapacityPlus Partnership
IntraHealth International (lead partner), Abt Associates, IMA World Health, Liverpool Associates in Tropical Health (LATH), Training Resources Group, Inc. (TRG).

Associate Partners
African Population & Health Research Center (APHRC), Asia-Pacific Action Alliance on Human Resources for Health (AAAH), West African Institute of Post-Graduate Management Studies (CESAG), Partners in Population and Development (PPD).

The views expressed in this message do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government.

IntraHealth International
1776 I Street, NW, Suite 650
Washington, DC 20036 

6340 Quadrangle Drive, Suite 200 
Chapel Hill, NC 27517
