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Anti-Littering Campaign Changes Dibbeen Visitors' Behaviour
The number of picnickers using garbage bags to collect their trash has increased since the launch of an anti-littering campaign in May, according to the organisers of the initiative. 
Confiscation of Endangered Tigers Cubs
Authorities have seized and confiscated two Asian Tiger Cubs, which are globally threatened with extinction, at the Omari border crossing with Saudi Arabia, according to conservationists.

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Local Environmental News
Natural Toothbrush Tree of Arabia
Miswaak is an organic toothbrush which is readily available, inexpensive, easy-to-use and inherently natural. It is can be easily adopted by Muslims as well as people from other faiths as an attractive green alternative to the modern toothbrush for maintaining oral hygiene. 
Regional Environmental News
Turkish Teen Makes Plastic Out of Banana Peels
The 16-year-old student from Istanbul spent two years perfecting a way to make a bioplastic out of discarded banana peels that could, in turn, be used for the electrical insulation of cables.

World Environmental News
Britain Opens World's Largest Offshore Wind Farm
The world's largest offshore wind farm, which can generate enough electricity for half a million homes, was officially opened off Britain's south-east coast.

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A Third of World's Conifers under Threat of Extinction Study Claims
The study of more than 600 types of conifers – trees and shrubs including cedars, cypresses and firs – updates a "Red List" on which almost 21,000 of 70,000 species of animals and plants assessed in recent years are under threat.
Suwaymeh Special Conservation Area

The SCA is under establishment within the Tropical-Sudanian bio-geographical zone. It covers an area of 0.5 km2 to conserve a representative sample of the Saline vegetation type that is dominated by several Tamarisk species. It is located within the Sweimeh-Maghtas Important Bird Area (IBA). This site is important for migratory bird species, as well as for nationally threatened species.
Picture of the Month
Common Name: Dead Sea Sparrow
Scientific Name: Passer moabiticus

This species is restricted to the tamarix vegetation in the Dead Sea area from which it gains its name. It is considered a threatened species in Jordan because of the habitat degradation and the removal of its habitat represented by the Tamarix vegetation type all across the Dead Sea and the Jordan Valley – a result of massive development projects.

Did You Know!
Did you know that the Prosopis is an introduced alien plant species that has negative effects on native species of fauna and flora!
Environmental Tips

Protect children from poisoning by household chemicals, lock pesticides and other chemicals safely away from children.

Abu Khaled Al Khaza’leh  R.I.P
It’s with huge grief, that the RSCN annouces the passing away of Mr. Mohammed Al- Khaza’leh, one of our most passionate employees.
He dedicated his time and efforts to protect wildlifespecies by supervising hunters and monitoring their activities across the country. Mr. Mohammed Al-Khaza’leh, worked as a ranger for the law enforcement section for nearly 25 years, but he left in 2009 after being infected by cancer. Since that time, he had battled the disease with strength and bravery at the same time, providing unlimited advice to new employees and rangers at the reserves. The team of RSCN sends heartfelt condolences to his family and prays to God to give them all strength for this great loss.
One of the RSCN Sponsorship Menu projects that you can support:

Development of the Jordan Biodiversity Database (5,000 JOD) is the official biodiversity database in Jordan. This database is an important tool for relevant stakeholders to understand and access knowledge about Jordan’s biodiversity. The database was established by RSCN, but with the continuous and rapid changes in the statuses of different species, it requires updating and must be further developed to meet the standards of use and efficiency by different stakeholders. This development requires software upgrading, data entry, and technical visual maintenance.

For more information, check it out!
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  • Every Saturday - Trip to Mujib Biosphere Reserve siq water trail
  • 2nd Day of Eid Al Fitr Trip
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