Welcome to our latest Newsletter
Hello to everyone in the LookUpStrata community. Welcome to all of our new members who have joined us this week.
The LookUpStrata site is now secure. You will see that your URL operates under https, using SSL to create an encrypted connection between our site & your web browser. For more information about SSL, feel free to have a look at
this link. To view our valid SSL Certificate, click the link pictured in the footer area of
our website. It is located right next to our SCA (WA) Member link.
Upcoming features: You may have noticed the introduction of a
Groups tab. We are currently doing some testing with this feature & Groups should be available to members in the next few weeks. Groups can be created and operated for a variety of uses. We will also be introducing a comprehensive FAQ page so that you get the very most out of the features available on the LookUpStrata site.
Have you been forwarding this newsletter on to other people who are interested in strata? If so, THANK YOU very much. Our main aim is to inform the strata community of happenings in strata. Thanks for helping this to happen. Please share!
We are actively looking for blog articles about interesting strata related topics. If you would like to find out about posting an article on our blog contact me at
Regards, Nikki