Alpine Valleys Community Leadership Program // e news // August 2013

AVCLP eNewsletter August 2013

Fundraising Made Easy Seminar
Are you sick and tired of digging from the same pockets for fundraising?
Tired of scrounging for funds?
Do you want to know how to make fundraising easy?
Come along and hear from one of Australia’s leading professional fundraising and philanthropic strategists. Jacqui Williams, known by many names, one if which being the funding whisperer, has raised in excess of  $10 million during her 14 years experience. Her clients have included schools, museums, community art centres, not-for-profits, government and private sector organisations.   Read more…
Wednesday 25th September, 6pm La Trobe University, Wodonga Campus


AVCLP 2013-14 program commences

The new AVCLP program year commenced with an Opening Retreat at the Lake Hume Resort on Friday 19th and Saturday 20th of July. This year 22 participants will undertake the Program and it is pleasing to see that we have an increase in the number of men signed up for this Program. Amongst the group we also have a number of participants in their late 20’s and early 30’s stepping up to complete our leadership development program. It is hoped in time these people will become the region’s future leaders. The AVCLP community of alumni, Board members staff and supporters wish the new participants, who are listed on the AVCLP website, all the best in their leadership journey. Read more.... 


The graduation evening for the 2012-2013 participants was a star-studded event. Two hundred people filled Wangaratta’s Gateway Hotel for an evening of celebration and catching up with friends old and new. Guests travelled from as far away as Melbourne and Ballarat for the evening and they mixed with regional leaders, the graduates their families and friends, and AVCLP Board members, staff and alumni. A highlight of the evening was a presentation by guest speaker Adam Elliot, the creator of the Academy award winning animated film, Harvie Krumpet.  Adam’s warm and witty presentation left everyone with smiles on their faces.
Congratulations to the graduates of the 2012-2013 Program.  The Graduation evening proved a fitting tribute to all that the group has achieved over the past year.
 AVCLP representation at regional events
AVCLP is seen as a conduit to the region’s leaders by many, and so we are often invited to attend regional leadership events.  The Executive Officer and AVCLP Chair were recently invited to attend a meeting for the region’s leaders hosted by the Hume Regional Development Australia Committee.  The State Government’s Regional Policy Advisory Committee visited Wodonga to gain information about the key economic issues that are impacting the region at present.  This meeting provided us with real opportunity to pass on the knowledge that we hear from regional leaders on a weekly basis and to advocate for the continued support of leadership programs.

AVCLP Community Landcare Leadership Program
The Alpine Valleys Community Leadership Program successfully applied to Caring for our Country, Community Landcare Grants to deliver a leadership program for participants from the Landcare, agribusiness and natural resource management sectors in North East Victoria. AVCLP will deliver this short course program in 2014 with applications opening on 1 October 2013. For expressions of interest or further information please contact Anne Shaw 

Wangaratta Women in Leadership Breakfast
Friday September 13, 2013
7am - 9am
$22 pp
Wangaratta Performing Arts Centre
Guest Speaker : Dr Beth Wilson, former Health Services Commissioner
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Myrtleford Ovens River Link Trail Project
Be a part in restoring the riparian woodland along the Ovens River.  Find out more about the planting weekends during August and September.  Read more....
Regent Honeyeater Project
The Regent Honeyeater needs your help.  Plantings are planned for five weekends over August, September and October.  Read more...
MBA offer to Community Leadership Alumni

Graduates of community leadership programs have spent time developing the skills and knowledge to become more effective leaders. They have shown a commitment to further study and are working hard to make a difference in their communities in professional and volunteer capacities.To learn more about La Trobe University’s MBA program join our next information evening or call David Robertson at La Trobe University on (03) 9479 3118 or 0405 500 369.     Read more....