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LookUpStrata P/L

Welcome to our latest Newsletter

Good afternoon to the LookUpStrata community. We would also like to extend a very warm welcome to all of the new members who have joined us this week. It is excellent to see!

Although our membership is growing strongly, it would be wonderful to see even more new members join our community. Thanks so much to all of our members who have been forwarding this newsletter on to others who may also be interested. If you are reading this newsletter but are not a member of LookUpStrata please Join Us.

Previously published posts may appear in the newsletter if new comments or discussions have occurred on the article or post. Feel free to keep the conversation going by posting new comments.

Would you like to post an article or create a group? Please contact me at



Seconding Motions - is that really necessary?

Frank Higginson,
Hynes Legal

In a body corporate context there are two types of meetings at which motions are considered:
1. General meetings.
The agenda includes every motion that is to be considered at the meeting. The motions are on that agenda because they have been proposed in accordance with the Act. The owner put it in before the required submission date, the committee proposed it at any stage, or they are statutory motions that must go on the agenda every time (as example, confirmation of the minutes of the last.....
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Gushing Gutters - Strata Maintenance!

Anthony Ulijn,
Triumphant Property Services

Wet weather preps are one of the biggest things we promote to our clients before and during winter. Over the drier months things such as gutters and drains designed to deal with water get forgotten about and it’s often not until something happens that anything is done about them. We always recommend having these areas fully cleaned out just before winter and monitoring this them over the season to ensure they are not block....
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The Short-term Use of Residential Apartments is Set to End

If you have been following information concerning the dispute over short-stay apartments in residential buildings, have a look at our blog page dedicated to this subject.
The page is updated regularly with any new information relating to developments and is an archive of news items about short term letting since April 2013. Thanks to Teys Lawyers for providing the original Media Release and much of the subsequent information.
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LookUpStrata Groups: Helping you stay connected - no matter where you are.

Click HERE for Information about how you can use LookUpStrata groups

New this week - we have incorporated a private Group Calendar into each group. Promote events, organise meetings, keep your group members informed.

Click HERE to explore Groups. From this page you can even join the Demo Group - Building A & have a play around with the features!
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