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LookUpStrata P/L

Welcome to our latest Newsletter

Good morning! Warm welcome to all of the new members who have joined us this week.

We have installed a new Chat feature on the site. You will see a blue 'chat' tab located on the bottom RHS of the LookUpStrata screen. Click on the blue 'chat' box to try it out. Come past & say "HI".

We have been asked a question on the site about the average price of strata levies. We have compiled a survey to find out about strata levies across Australia. Read the post below for more information. Please participate in the survey.

Although our membership is growing strongly, it is always wonderful to welcome new members. Thank you to all of our members who are forwarding this newsletter on to others who may also be interested. If you are reading this newsletter but are not a member of LookUpStrata please Join Us.

Would you like to post an article or create a group? Please contact me at



Strata Living - Working & Bonding Together.

John Edds,
Body Corporate Rescue

Many people move or retire to an apartment block or community living facility to kick back, escape the garden, have a chore free base for their work or travel, or perhaps just relax. Whilst this may certainly be the popular view, it is not always that easy for some. The rose coloured view of Community strata living is sometimes blurred, and the garden tools that were given to children and friends often loom large in the memory of practical people.
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The Role of the Strata Manager

Teys Lawyers

Perhaps the single most important thing a committee can do is appoint or recommend the appointment of a strata Management Company. A strata management company collects levies, pays bills, effects insurance, keeps the books and records and convenes, attends and minutes meetings. But what about the individual employed by the strata management company appointed to a particular build....Read more.....

What is the definition of "unfinancial" when determining an AGM quorum?

Forum question: This question was asked by one of our Western Australian members.

What is the definition of “unfinancial ” when it comes to determining quorum for AGM?
Does the outstanding relate only to levy contributions or does it also include all other monies owing such as electricity bills etc?

Thanks so much to Ian Crockett, Tower Body Corporate & Simone Balsara, Teys Lawyers for providing answers.

Unfinancial proprietors may vote in certain cases...
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How much are levy fees?

Forum question: Do you know what the average strata fee would be in Doubleview WA for a 2 bedroom Villa? Read the full question here.

Of course, strata fees vary greatly between building depending on the facilities offered at the scheme, age of the building, location…..

It would be wonderful to get an idea of how much your strata fees are and for what type of development. I am sure everyone is very interested in how their fees compare. We have put together an anonymous & quick Strata Levies survey to help answer this question. Please complete the survey via this link. The answers will be compiled in an upcoming blog post.

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