Welcome to our Newsletter
Good Afternoon,
We have experienced a very busy few weeks here at LookUpStrata. Due to increased activity & the amount of information now uploaded onto the site, we were instructed by our website hosting company to upgrade to a larger server. This happened about a week ago. As always, there were a few minor teething problems, but everything seems to have settled down now. You should experience much better speeds across the site & the expansion will allow us to continue to grow and enhance the services offered to YOU. "Don't WAIT for opportunity, BECOME the opportunity." - Baylor Barbee.
We have added 2 new pages to the site - a Strata FAQ page, and a Strata Title Forms page. See more information about these new resources below.
If you would like to know more about LookUpStrata & why we developed the site, please watch our Video " What is LookUpStrata all about" available on our About Us page.
Please consider forwarding this newsletter on to others who may also be interested. If you are reading this newsletter but are not a member of LookUpStrata, please Join Us.
Important New Case on Repairs & Maintenance
Teys Lawyers
The New South Wales Court of Appeal in The Owners Strata Plan 50276 v Thoo [2013] NSWCA 270, has given new guidance on circumstances in which an owners corporation is required to renew or replace common property and has ‘shut the door’ on damages claims by lot owners for loss of rent or value where common property has fallen into disrepair.
On the question of damages, this case overturns the 2007 Seiwa decision. How....
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The importance of strata fire safety after two recent Melbourne apartment fires
Have you carried out a recent fire safety audit on your building? We are reminded of the importance of strata fire safety after the Metropolitan Fire Brigade (MFB) in Melbourne has been busy dealing with two apartment fires over the past few days.
The first occurred at a 20 storey high rise in the Docklands on Friday the 30th August around lunchtime.
A balcony air conditioner unit of a 10th floor apartment caught on fire and then started to spread to the interior of the apartment. Smoke filled the 10th floor & eight residents were evacu...
New Page:
Strata Title FAQs
Thanks to Simone Balsara, Teys Lawyers, we have a brand new page on the site with a long list of Frequently Asked Questions about strata title. For example:
Q: Can the owners corporation pass a resolution limiting the spend of the executive committee?
Simone answered: Yes, especially with respect to large schemes. Section 80A allows for a limit on spending by executive committee’s of large schemes. This is achieved by resolution at a general meeting.
Read all of the FAQs HERE & keep checking back for more Q&A to be added. The current list of questions & answers refer to NSW legislation.
If you have a list of FAQs that you would like us to add to the site, especially if they refer to other states or terriories, please contact me at nikkij@lookupstrata.com.au.
How does a strata investor join the Body Corporate Committee?
Kelly Borell,
Tower Body Corporate Administration
A Lot owner who is an investor in a Body Corporate can join the Committee the same way that an owner who lives onsite can join.
Nominations for Committee are called each year prior to the end of the Body Corporate’s Financial Year.
The Secretary or Body Corporate Manager must call for nominations by sending out the notice to all Lot owners at least 3 week....
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New Page:
Strata Title Forms
We all know how hard it can be to quickly locate the correct strata title form on the web. You may have to jump around all over the web to get the information you are after.
LookUpStrata has tried to make the process much easier by designing a page for links to strata forms from all around Australia, all in the one convenient location. That way, next time you are after the same, or a similar form, you know just where to go straight away! No more endless, frustrating searching.
The page is almost complete with links available for each & every state & territory. I just need to add a few last pieces of information. Please have a look at the page HERE & let me know what you think.
If you have any suggestions for forms you use regularly or if you feel we have missed anything, please contact me at nikkij@lookupstrata.com.au.
Do our existing by-laws mean short-stay is not allowed in our building?
Forum question: This question was asked by one of our Western Australian members, John Timms:
We have a by-law that states that ”A lot may be used only as a residence but may include use as a home office if first approved in writing by the City of Mandurah and the council of the strata company its agents or servants but such approval to be at the absolute discretion of the council of the strata company.” The legal definition of ”residence” is usually taken to be ”The place where one lives...
Thanks so much to Simone Balsara, Teys Lawyers for providing an answer to John's question.
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Rules regarding committee comments on owner motions at AGM
Forum question: This question was asked by one of our new Queensland members, Steve McMahon:
What are the rules regarding the comments that a committee may place in the meeting notice, regarding an owner's motion to be considered at the AGM? More specifically, can the committee state under ‘committee comments’ (or in any format) that an owner's motion is ‘unenforceable’ or ‘out of order’? Or is the proper place for this at the meeting by the chairperson?
Thanks so much to Ian Crockett, Tower Body Corporate for providing an answer.
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Would you like to contribute a post to our blog?
LookUpStrata is always after interesting & relevant articles to post on our blog. This offer is open to anyone involved in the strata industry no matter where you are located or which company you work for! And we are not just talking about strata industry professionals here! If you live in or invest in or work around strata we would love to hear from you too! Please share your experiences with the community.
The blog is a great place to showcase your expertise & knowledge to the strata community & we are quite happy for you to include a signature with full contact details on the bottom of your post.
If you have a topic which you are passionate about, please contact me to discuss contributing.