greenlight for girls around the world sharing our news for September 2013
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Upcomming  Events

29 September: g4g at the Metro Parent Educational Expo in Detroit
12 October:  greenlight for girls day@ Athens
2013, email us for registration details 
16 November: greenlight for girls day@ Brussels 2013, register here

24 November: Tree planting Day
7 December: greenlight for girls day@ DRC 2013
Annual Tree Planting Day! 

Sunday, 24 November – 9 am to 12 noon in Forêt de Soignes.
This is an activity for all ages so invite everyone in your family and take the great opportunity to learn about the forest from experts whose job is to keep our Brussels forests thriving. Together, we will be contributing over 1000 trees to the forest! Keep a look out for details.
g4g comes to Athens in October 
We are launching the first-ever g4g day in Greece, Athens at the Campion School.  October 12th will be the big day and we have a wonderful line-up of fun and creative science workshops. Join us to volunteer!
September in Photos 

Watch the campaign Video
Thank you Melanie and new intern Interviews!
Once again a big thank you to Melanie for helping us out during the summer period with the "Science News" on our social media as well as with getting new books for our Science Library. Our headquarters in Brussels is ready to recieve another set of interns from the VUB this October and we will be conducting interviews shortly. We look forward to introducing them to you soon! 
Welcome back to school & work to all our greenlight families in the northern hemisphere! We wish you the best for this academic year ahead and hope you have all had wonderful summer holidays. To our lucky followers in the south, summer is just coming your way! We have many things in store for you this semester and we have also been very busy during the summer so we have a lot to report on!
 g4g week in Brazil reaches over 350 girls!
Ouro Branco, Brazil was bursting with g4g science activities during the week of August 12th.  Kelly B. V. Torres Dozinel, our g4g Brazil Manager & resident astrophysicist, led an amazing array of learning events reaching girls of all ages and the community at large.  The week began with a launch event at the Universidade Federal de São João Del Rei, Campus Alto Paraopeba Ouro Branco in Minas Gerais – the University has been a tremendous supporter of g4g and hosted our g4g days for the past 2 years.  The g4g team in Brazil is a dedicated group of scientists, future scientists and overall STEM enthusiasts – due to all of their hard work, greenlight for girls was able to reached several local schools thus being able to engage and inspire over 350 girls.
Scientists travelled from different universities and organisations in Brazil to lead workshops at our events.  Over the course of the week, we held several events and the hallways were full of laughter & animation.  Teaching programming using an on-line dog and cat, showing the link to astrophysics to music using guitars and pianos, robots, physics fun, engineering, games – and lots of yelling “Anything is Possible!!” – these were only some of the highlights of the week.
Congratulations Kelly & team for a fabulous week!    

A word from our Americas Director, Sarah Thomas
Greenlight for Girls Americas Director Sarah Thomas would like to thank our summer intern Melanie Schaechter for all of her help. Melanie enthusiastically took on the role of researcher for “Science in the News” and was always keen to share her findings with us. Melanie is now back at university, but she said she will certainly help with greenlight for girls events in the future. Have a great school year, Melanie and thanks!
Greenlight for girls Americas would like to extend a warm welcome the Detroit, Michigan Chapter! After much perseverance, Bridget Schiefer was able to secure a meeting spot at the Michigan Science Center, and some folks willing to volunteer to help out. We are very excited to finally have a g4g presence in the Great Midwest and are looking forward to working with Bridget. Welcome aboard, Bridget!
g4g day@Brussels 2013
November 16th

Calling all greenlight girls, volunteers and workshop leaders!  

Get ready for the next greenlight for girls day in Brussels on November 16th 2013! Our partner, the International School of Brussels, will be kindly providing their school again for our event – and this year, we’re even more excited as we’ll be in their new High School which is especially good news for all the girls, volunteers and workshop leaders!

Greenlight girls: registration will open 3 weeks before the event so mark your calendars. For registration follow this

We are now looking for Volunteers to come to the event and help with the general set up, assist workshop leaders where needed, direct girls in the right direction and help with the clean up afterwards. Many of you who volunteered last year will know that this is a fun day to be involved in. We encourage parents of girls who have travelled far to stay on and volunteer for the event.
We are also looking for Workshop leaders, who will run hands-on workshops throughout the day emphasising the fun in science! The workshops are  45-minute hands-on, practical workshops that show the fun in science and inspire the girls to keep on pursuing their studies.  The ideas are endless and we’ve done very creative sessions – so we’d love to hear your ideas!

Let us know if you would be interested in being a part of all this and we will send you further information about volunteering and running a workshop. 
Email on 

The Science Library has landed!
We tracked the science library from Europe, over the sea and over Africa and saw it land in the Cameroon as our latest package of 7 boxes has been sent to CAPECAM orphanage. We are particularly excited to send this latest batch of books, they are the biggest yet! Thank you to everyone who donated a book and in particular to Marina who gave us more than 50 books! Also a big thank you to Boston University Brussels for sponsoring the delivery so that we may ship these books half way across the world! This was a great team effort and the third science library shipment so well done everyone! We hope the children enjoy the books!

For our Science Library in the US, we would like to thank Elizabeth Seton Academy in Dorchester. MA for the donation of books for our traveling library. A special thanks to Lizzy Duddy, Associate Director of Advancement for contacting us and donating books!

ISB open day 
On Sunday, August 25th, the last Sunday before Back to School day, our partner the international school of Brussels held an information session for the new parents and children enrolling in the new school year.  We were thrilled to participate as ISB's new partner and it gave us a great chance to share what we do and to promote our g4g day on November 16th.  What a great afternoon meeting new ISB parents and families! We've already received great interest in the g4g day this year which will be held once again at ISB (in their new High School!).  Girls from all schools from the community are invited to our November event.  Good luck to all of our g4g students - we wish you a great academic year ahead and see you in November!
Rickshaw Race
"We are riding a rickshaw 3,000 kilometres across India for greenlight for girls to provide 8 Indian girls a university education, which leads to a better life"

That is the opening statement of Team L&A composed of Leslie and her partner Antoine who have set out to race a rickshaw through India for 2 weeks with the aim of raising money for our 8 Global Scholarship girls in India. 

You can support them in many ways, firstly like their Facebook page, share it with your friends and network! The more likes they have they have the more they can potentially raise. They will also be posting updates form their trip so it will be fun to see how they are doing! Additionally you can help and donate here! 

We wish Leslie and Antoine the best of luck and a big thank you on behalf of the Global Scholarship girls! 

Visit their webpage here! 
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greenlight for girls, asbl
Chaussee De Boondael 433

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