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Step Over it Tuesday

By now you should know that I'm a big encourager at heart. I challenge you here every week with words that hopefully spur you on to step over your fears and in to the life God has called you.

Although while I've been inspiring you the past few weeks, I've been wrestling with my own fears and journey. Maybe you've sensed it in my writing?

One thing I know.

The more convicted I feel that too many of us are living a complacent life and write such with the intensity burning inside me, the more of you unsubscribe. That's life - I get it. I realize that many of you subscribed a few years ago when my focus was different.

So if at any time, you need to walk away - please know I'll still be cheering you along on your journey. 

But for today . . . 

I have to write what God has laid upon my heart. I totally get that it's not fun, sexy, nor even a sweet read. I know it's challenging. And I know that because I'm being challenged myself. BIG time!

However, when God brings you to a new place, a new direction, and time -- you must follow. [tweet that]


For years I had to write devotionals, Bible studies (Dirty Laundry Secrets & I'm a Fixer Upper), and warm words. It was the MUST that God had me living at the moment.

Then three years ago, my MUST changed. God planted me in the big messy middle of the inner city and I had to write to process -- to learn. I had to tell the stories. I knew it was God's must for the moment -- to teach, to open other's eyes and hearts.

But the more stories I encountered --

Men who had no one to talk to
Men who live under mesquite trees
Women who give their babies away on the streets

the more I was convicted that we (I) have it all wrong. This complacent living is really doing no one any good. Don't get me wrong I have my days still where I want to climb back under the covers and hide from the world. Really I do!!

Shhh - don't tell anyone, but there's a new MUST!

Here's where I have to be vulnerable and tell you -- I'm scared to death. I don't want to be, but I'm reminded that when God calls we must go and we usually have to go afraid.

While the stories in the inner city mess me up -- there's been a few that really have jacked-me up. Excuse the expression, but seriously!

Stories of:

Dad's who pimp their daughters in strip clubs
Boyfriends who require girls to strip for money
Men who sell women to get their drug money
And many more I haven't been able to write about yet

I've heard their stories face to face for a year. I've prayed for the girls and felt helpless and angry because there was nothing to do. I've been nauseated to my stomach.

Then a few weeks ago God flings upon a door in front of me to get involved and be part of a human trafficking Rescue House through my church to help these girls out of crisis. LIterally within 48 hours a door flew open and I walked through.

Now the more digging I do, the more nauseated I get. The information I'm learning raises up a fighter within me. And this is where I have to say "I'm sorry, but I MUST!" You didn't subscribe here to hear me rant, I get that. But I have to write my gut -- the journey God has me on. And God's journeys aren't always pretty.

Human Trafficking.

It's modern day slavery. Texas (where I live) is the number one entry point into the US. Men and women pay high dollars to come to the land of opportunity only to be sold for sex or free labor. 

If you're like me, I thought human trafficking only existed in other countries -- Greece, India, Asia, Guatemala. NOT HERE!

Guess again? It's here. It's in my city. It's in your city. It's everywhere and for years we've ignored the problem and sat quiet as the problem only got worse. I think it's time we wake up. It's time to tear down the high places!

Don't think this could be happening in your city -- read this book. Not in My Town by Dillon Burroughs [click here to buy on Amazon

Thank you for being a community I can be vulnerable with.

While my mind is spinning 90 to nothing learning the facts, putting together a training program, meeting with Border Patrol, and gathering resources for a Rescue House -- thank you for being a friend that I can trust and be vulnerable with. Thank you!

It's hard to be vulnerable. Much of what I share here you will not find on the web. It's not time. However, I will continue to challenge you here to step over your fears as I step over mine. I will also try my hardest not to let my strong emotions bleed through the words. I value you and your journey. I realize your journey is different, but we all have fears that must be conquered to live out God's radical plans..

If I could beg a favor, I'd ask for prayers. Pray God would guide this process and provide all resources needed to help free girls from the grips of modern day slavery.

Let me hear from you: Is it hard for you to be vulnerable? How can I pray for you?

Question FOR YOU: What are your thoughts about this epidemic of modern day slavery?

Today's podcast -- Prioritizing Rest in Your Schedule (Do you mind rating in itunes?)

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