October 2013 Newsletter- Supermoms in Stilettos
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In this issue...
  • Message from Amy
  • October 2013: 5 Tips to Balance Work & Family When Life is Crazy Busy
  • 1-2-3 GROW!
  • Supermom Resource of the Month
Amy Tejeda, MS, MFT
The Working Mom Coach

Amy specializes in coaching busy professional moms to have better life balance, less stress and anxiety, a clear vision for their lives and deeper connections with loved ones.  Her clients learn to uncover what is holding them back from being even more FABULOUS, and how to bring joy, energy and fun back to their hectic lives.

Amy is a Professional Life Coach and Marriage and Family Therapist.   She can be reached at 407-227-5584 or by email at Amy@InspireTeachLead.com.


Jesus Calling
by Sarah Young

One of my secrets to maintaining balance in my own crazy busy life is to start each day with a time of prayer and bible reading.  "Jesus Calling" is always a part of that. It speaks right to my heart EVERY SINGLE MORNING, and allows me to get my focus in the right place before starting my day.  It's such a blessing in my life, and I just have to share it with you!    
Check it out here!

Naked to Knockout 30-Day Online Program starting Nov.1st

Join the FABULOUS Wendy Lyn Phillips, Image Coach Extraordinaire, as she coaches women to put their most beautiful foot forward.  Click on the image above for more information.
Dearest <<First Name>>,

Happy October!  Most of us know that this is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and are looking for ways that we can help the fight against breast cancer. We will don our pink, run races, and donate to cancer research.  Another way to remember BCAM is to go for your mammogram.  I am embarrassed to admit that at age 42, I have never had one.   With no family history of breast cancer, I have brushed it aside.  In fact, I'm not even sure I know where I put the mammogram Rx my doctor gave me two years ago!  But this month I am committing to do it!  And I want to remind you to get yours, too!

In 2003, the US Senate also declared October National Work and Family Month believing that "supporting a balance between work and personal life is in the best interest of national worker productivity" and that "reducing the conflict between work and family life should be a NATIONAL PRIORITY"!  Can I get an "AMEN"???

All of the SUPERMOMS I know are in constant search of the perfect (as if there was such a thing!) balance between career and family, and many feel guilty when the scales tip more heavily in one direction than the other.  And so the question is, what can we do to create more balance in our lives?

This month's SUPERMOMS IN STILETTOS addresses that question and gives you some helpful tips to get you moving in the right direction.  I hope you find them helpful. I would love to hear from YOU! Shoot me an email and tell me what helps YOU strike the right balance in your life.

Blessings to you, my fabulous SUPERMOM!

5 Tips to Balance Work & Family When Life is Crazy Busy...

1. Be flexible. For a Type-A personality, this is especially difficult. We want to be in control of everything spinning around us, and when things don't go our way, we feel like we have failed somehow. But life happens.  And we have a lot less control than we want to admit.  What we CAN and SHOULD control is our response when things don't go the way we had anticipated.  

A dear friend recently shared with me a reading from "Jesus Calling" which said, "When little things don't go as you had hoped, look to Me (God) lightheartedly and say, "Oh well." This simple discipline can protect you from being burdened with an accumulation of petty cares and frustrations."  

Easier said than done?  Yup.  But with practice, when we respond with this kind of "surrender" of will, we realize that most of the things we worry about aren't really all that important and our emotional energy will be freed up to deal with the things that are. 

2. Learn to say no.  The key here is to determine what to say "no" to.  In order to do this, we have to be aware of our goals and priorities.  

In our crazy day-to-day lives, there are many priorities calling for our attention.  The things we often want most to accomplish get lost among the mini-emergencies that pop up, the unexpected phone calls asking us to help with this or that, etc.  It is much easier to decide where to invest our time and energy when we know what our priorities are.

What's most important to you?  I try to live "God first, Family second and Career third". Any opportunities that do not directly build my business or my relationship with God, my husband, or my kids has to be thoughtfully considered.  It is much easier to say "no" when you are clear about  your goals, and you know what you are saying "YES" to.

3. Let go of Mommy guilt.   
Working moms are especially prone to feelings of inadequacy and guilt.  This is an issue almost all of my clients struggle with. When they have to work late, they fear the kids will suffer at home as a result.  If they are at home playing on the floor with their kids, they feel guilty that they aren't tackling the laundry, or working to provide income for the family.  

We have to accept that our lives are NOT perfect, and we need to let go of the expectation that they should be.  When raising children, there is a constant mess.  You work hard to clean the house and we all know it lasts about 5 minutes!  We need to focus on what matters and cut ourselves some slack, otherwise, the guilt will immobilize us and rob us of the precious moments we have with our families.

4. Get organized.   Lay out clothes the night before, prepare lunches in advance, cook and fill your freezer for a month in a weekend, or simply write out your menu plan for the week.  Plan ahead, and start using a big, monthly calendar to coordinate all family member's activities and goings on.  The more organized you are, the more time you will free up to spend with your family.    
5. Take a breath.  Really, breathe...  In... and out... Often, ladies, we take care of everyone and everyone, except ourselves.  You've all heard the saying, "When mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!"  Isn't it time to take care of YOU?

Take a breath, take a run, take a class, take a chill, take a trip, take a break, take a shower, take a walk, take a load off, or take a nap. Take whatever you need to slow down, smell the roses and count your blessings.  They are all around you!

Balance comes from recognizing that life is not easy, but that we have the opportunity to choose how we respond to the chaos that may be happening all around us.  When we slow down enough to enjoy the present, savoring each precious moment and 
are grateful for all that we have, we will achieve the elusive life balance we are all searching for.

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1-2-3 GROW!
Coaching Tips to Achieve Balance
  1. Write out your TOP 3 life's goals and/or priorities.  How do the activities, responsibilities or tasks you take on express these?  Are there things you should say "No" to?
  2. Schedule a 60 minute block of time for yourself this week.  Do something to recharge your battery.
  3. Consider one area of your life that is in need of better organization.  What 3 small steps can you take this month to improve this?

If you are ready to say goodbye to "Mommy guilt", stress, and feeling overwhelmed, call me, or shoot me an email.  I would love to chat with you (for FREE!) to see whether or not coaching with me might be the next step for you!
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