rmoocers were off to saskatoon this week. come see our stories.

Cultures of Reconciliation

An amazing group of critical thinkers, creative practitioners, and cutting edge ideas at this gathering organized by Len Findlay and Lynn Bell in Saskatoon this past week. Bringing together editors and writers, performers and poets, this event both challenged the intransigence of sites of post-secondary education while encouraging all present to find new ways of doing imperative work on the subject of reconciliation and indigenous issues in the nation state. Above, that's Rebecca Belmore and Adrian Stimson, both whom presented at various points, listening to speakers. That image of the deer that banners this page is from a poignant moment when runner Ayumi Goto came across the roadkilled carcass on a rural route outside of town. Full days and an interesting finale to the rmooc, which officially closes (moocish) operations on Sept 30 but will likely be maintained in archival form well beyond that. 

Sakej Henderson

Respected and notable constitutional legal scholar Sakej Henderson gave a keynote to lead off discussions around Idle No More and related activities. Powerful opening session for a very powerful weekend. Some images that came from this event, on rmooc and filtered through flickr.

Len Findlay

Always the critically aware social activist, and often a thorn in the side of those who would settle for uneven power structures befitting a status quo, Findlay is both dynamic and resourceful in his continuing struggles within the university. He and  co-organizer of this event, Lynn Bell, managed to pull together a group of highly disciplined thinkers who deride disciplinarily and push toward uncertain futures that will be cut of the cloth of this work of today. 
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