Bust Clutter for Mind, Body & Soul

Welcome to October!

There are so many things I love about October. Here in Ohio, the weather has been absolute perfection. The temperatures have ranged from the 40's to the 70's. The mums are busting out all over and the leaves have begun to change.

It's Thanksgiving in Canada this week and before we know it, Thanksgiving will be upon us in the US! I'll be beginning my holiday baking this week with a double batch of pumpkin bread. That pumpkin bread freezes beautifully and is perfect for breakfast on Thanksgiving.  It's also great to have on hand for gifts for neighbors or for a hostess. (You can snag the recipe here).

With the holidays on the edges of my mind - and October being a true transitional month for the seasons - this month, I'm going to take you through some activities that by doing now, will take some pressure off come November and December. 

You'll be amazed at how a little love and attention to getting clutter out of the way - and getting more organized - will feed your Mind, Body and Soul.

For your Mind – Organize Your Pantry

For many of us, the holiday season means cooking for holiday gatherings and parties. And there's nothing worse than grabbing a bag of flour off the shelf and discovering weevils or knowing there's a bag of chocolate chips in there to discover they've expired! So, do yourself a BIG favor and whip your pantry into shape this month!  Besides, your pantry is the supporting cast of all the meals your family eats. Toss anything that has expired (yes, canned goods have dates).  If you have anything that isn't on your family's diet (or you bought and haven't opened), bag it up and donate it to your local food bank. 

Beginning at the top, remove everything from a single shelf at a time, wipe down the shelf with some anti-bacterial spray, and the put everything back.  Move along to the next shelf. It's so much easier to grab a healthy snack or make dinner when you can find what's in your pantry! When you're done, don't forget to make a list of any staples you need for your holiday baking and cooking!

For your Body – Check Your Sheets

When I traveled all the time (300 days a year on the road), I discovered that it was worth staying in hotels that had high thread count, high quality sheets. They just felt more welcoming and inviting and I always slept better on them.  But what about at home?  When is the last time you replaced your sheets?

This month, take a good hard look at the sheets you have for your bed - as well as any sheets you have for guest rooms.  If they are worn (or holey), toss 'em (or donate them to your local animal shelter - they can always use old towels and sheets).  When guests are coming, you won't have to do any last-minute rushing around to whip your guest bed into shape!

Besides, You deserve nice sheets to sleep on!  Use one of those Bed, Bath & Beyond coupons or watch the sale ads! You'll be surprised how much better you'll sleep!

For your Soul – Flip Your Closet

As we transition from warm to cool weather, it's time to make getting dressed each day easier without having to dig around for that sweater or those boots.  Besides, every piece of clothing you wear says something about your sense of style.  Your sense of style creates your personal brand.  So, this month, store away all your shorts and summer weight clothes (or rotate them to the back of your closet or drawers). Pull out all your cool weather gear and make it easily accessible.

And while you're in the closet, go ahead and toss any of your summer clothes that you didn't wear, are stained or beyond repair. When you go to get dressed each day, you have a serene space of items for the amazingly perfect canvas: you.  And your soul will feel so much more peaceful.

If you are needing some help getting clear about things in your world, don't hesitate to reach out (just reply to this email)

See you next month with more tips for finding clarity in your life with clearer spaces.

With Love,

PS -  I'd be honored if you shared this with a friend!

Clearing Soul Clutter
Begins October 13th!

Are you tired of living by the seat of your pants?  Long for a daily life that you can fall in love with?  Ready to peel away the hard layers to get to your soul’s purpose?

Then it’s time to dive into what your heart and soul is longing for: a life designed around what you need to thrive.

Clearing Soul Clutter: Creating Your Vision will gently help you pull the mask away from what you “should” want to creating a vision for how you truly desire your life to be.  Not only that, we’ll break down pieces of your vision into manageable pieces.

It began today, but there's still time to join in!

The curriculum only is $39 - or bundle it with a single one-on-one coaching session for $109.   Register by Clicking Here.

Check the FAQ. Want to find out more behind the course? Check out these blog entries about why and how the course was designed.

Want to take multiple 30 Days to Clarity Classes and save some dough? Check out the Clarity Season's Pass. A purchase now gives you access to Soul Clutter and The Advent Series this year - and all 4 courses in 2014!

Clearing Brain Clutter
Begins October 27th

One of the biggest lessons I have learned is that you cannot welcome new things into your life if you don’t release some of the old stuff. You need to begin to purge things from your life.  This round is timed to end before the holidays!

The first thing to consider releasing is physical stuff. If you don’t love it, it doesn’t fit, it reminds you of unhappy memories, or doesn’t feel congruent with who you felt like when you were daydreaming and building your big old list – chunk it!

With 30 Days to Clarity:  Clutter Busting Edition we will get things streamlined, de-cluttered, and organized in small, steady doses.   This approach allows us to slowly add routines and build a momentum of organization, without the exhaustion at the end.  It also adds to – instead of draining – that precious energy.

Register today.  Curriculum only is $39.  Or bundle the curriculum with a single coaching session for only $109.

Want to take multiple 30 Days to Clarity Classes and save some dough? Check out the Clarity Season's Pass. A purchase now gives you access to Clutter Busting (or Soul Clutter) and The Advent Series this year - and all 4 courses in 2014!
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