We are a diverse community growing in the presence of the living Jesus, proclaiming the gospel and seeking to connect with the wider community and each other, through faith, worship and service.

News from the Anglican Parish of Huntley

Parish Office: (613)839-3195 *
REMEMBER... our new website has lots of up to date info:

Bring your Pet to Church Sunday...

This Sunday (October 6th) we welcome pets to the service at St. James and will celebrate St. Francis of Assisi. If you have a pet please join us for this service. If you would prefer to worship without pets please be sure to worship at Christ Church or St. John's. Those who often attend Christ Church or St. John's are encouraged to join in at St. James if you would like your pet blessed.

Sunday's service at St. James will take place inside the church unless the weather is so beautiful that we can't help but be outside! Pet owners are asked to keep smaller animals on their laps in the pews and larger animals in the aisle if more space is needed. Jesus was born in a barn with many animals around him... we are surely able to worship him with animals in our midst!

It is sure to be fun!

Our Community Garden Harvest Party this Saturday...

Come to the Daily Bread Community Garden Harvest Party this Saturday and stay for lunch...

At 10 am ~ we’ll put the garden to bed (we’ll be pulling up the last of the plants, so wear your gardening clothes! Bring the kids! All ages are welcome (calling all youth looking for hours!)
At 11 am ~ we’ll meet in the hall to celebrate the year’s success-es and discuss the future of the garden.
We’ll have some soup and buns for a light lunch (the soup made from our own carrots and potatoes!)

To volunteer to assist in preparing lunch, or to other-wise support or donate, please connect with Gail at 613-839-3978 or thecarrolls@xplornet,com

Carp Fair Congratulations...

First of all a big Congratulations to God for setting us up with the BEST fair weather possible! It could not have been a more beautiful weekend and I am sure we are all thankful! 

And a big congratulations to everyone who participated in the Fair... the many many volunteers and also those who showed in the Homecraft and Agricultural divisions. I know that we had many successful 4-H participants on Friday and that it was a great weekend for everyone!

Special thanks to the Huntley Community Association for an amazing burger booth... I have heard rumours that the sales were record-breaking and many of our parishioners take great leadership in making that booth happen! Congrats to all... having volunteered there on Friday I can honestly say it may be one of the most fun places to be!

And a huge thank you to our Food Bank Soup Booth volunteers. The booth was beautiful and a great place for friendly faces to chat with each other. Thank you to Peggy and Cathy for their leadership in making that booth happen!

Hunger Games Reminder...

For those who are already part of the Hunger Games Study group and for those who would like to join us this evening please remember that we are watching the first half of the movie tonight. Dress in comfy clothes. Popcorn and snacks will be served! We start at 7pm this evening (Monday)

Calling all Youth, Children, and Parents...please consider joining me Saturday morning!

The Anglican Diocese of Ottawa has embarked on a planning process to discern God’s dream for our church. We are seeking to set a path for the church that allows us to faithfully follow Jesus into the future.

With a commitment to ensuring that all voices are embraced and engaged in this process we are looking for a variety of attendees to participate. Already, over 400 people have participated ~ from ages 12 to 90.
On October 5th we are bringing together a group of children, youth, emerging adults, and parents who can spend two hours dreaming about their church to ensure their perspective is heard in this process!
Each session is a hands-on opportunity. No experience or background information is required ~ just a commitment to bring your ideas to the table!
At the event you can expect to:
·      listen to the Holy Spirit
·      hear more about Conversations: Embracing God’s Future
·      work in a small team to identify future goals for the church
·      think with others about the renewal of our church
·      be excited, challenged AND HAVE FUN!
 Saturday, October 5th, 2013
Christ Church Bells Corners
3861 Old Richmond Road
10am – Noon
Lots of Snacks will be served!

Urgent Need for a leader...

I am looking for a representative to join our Parish at the Ottawa Diocese Annual Meeting (called 'Synod'). We have two representatives (including myself) committed for the two day conference and I need one more. This is a unique opportunity to learn what is going on with the wider church community and consider the bigger picture of the Anglican Church in Ottawa. If you are interested in taking on this special role (that requires a two day commitment on October 18 and 19th) please email me directly at People between the ages of 18 and 100 are welcome to take on this role. Thanks!

Looking for younger members of our Sunday Ministry Team...

I am looking for some young leaders to take on some serving roles in the church on a monthly basis. Originally we had scheduled a Server Training on September 21st in the morning. This time is a conflict with two young parishioners who want to participate so I am looking for another time. Please let me know if you or someone you know is interested in taking on this important role by emailing me at I am hoping to have servers in place at St. James by Advent.

St. James Cemetery Info Session....

As many of you know our rates for our cemetery are increasing at the end of this year. This increase is a significant increase and many people are interested in arranging plots before the end of the year. Charlene Johnston, head of the Cemetery Committee, is planning a Fall Info Walk in the Cemetery on October, 26th at 10am to take a tour of the cemetery and explain some of the aspects of purchasing plots. I am also going to be available to answer questions about funeral planning and the aspects of a church service and/or burial. This will be a great opportunity to ask questions and consider purchasing a family plot for the future. 

If you would like more information please contact Charlene at 613-470-0142 

I realize that funeral planning is a sensitive subject for some people but I encourage you to consider taking the time to plan for this aspect of your life and have open conversations with your family about your wishes. If you would like to speak with me directly about this please don't hesitate to call the office at 6`3-839-3195 or send me an email.
Readings & Services This Week
Our Sunday service schedule is found on the parish website and at the entrance area of each church. Upcoming weekly schedules can also be heard on the Parish Office Voicemail (613-839-3195) at any time. 

Sunday, September 29th
9:00am ~ Christ Church ~ Holy Eucharist with Rev. Rick
9:30am ~ St. James ~ Holy Eucharist with Rev. Monique
11:00am ~ St. John's ~ Holy Eucharist with Rev. Rick

Readings: Commemoration of St. Francis of Assisi
Genesis 1:20-25; Psalm 148:7-14; Matthew 6:25-34

Wednesday Service ~ St. James @ 10am ~ Reverend Rick will be presiding this Wednesday

Centering Prayer has resumed on Wednesdays at 1pm at the Parish Hall. For more information please contact Carol Bruce at 613-839-3499

The Second Sunday of the month is Food Bank Sunday. Please bring non-perishables to the church for the Food Bank!

Our weekly Sunday Schedule for September through December can be found on the website by clicking HERE

175th Anniversary Activities...

Sun. Nov. 10, 2013.  10:00 AM   Christ Church 175th Anniversary Service.    Presider: Executive Archdeacon David Selzer
Reception.  Historical displays in the Church.

A Legacy Project Fund has been set up to accept donations in honour of the 175th Anniversary of Christ Church, Parish of Huntley. The Legacy Project Committee   is in tje process of renovating and updating the 35 year old Memorial Extension including changes to the flooring, walls, some furniture, etc. to improve the lower and upper levels as meeting rooms for congregation and community use. Tax receipts will be issued for donations. Please make cheques payable to “Christ Church” on the title line with “Legacy Fund 175 Anniversary” on the memo line. For cash donations please place in envelopes with “Legacy Fund 175 th Anniversary” written on the outside along with the donor’s name.   All donations will be gratefully accepted.

For the Historical Displays please consider sharing your photos, letters, certificates, artifacts concerning the Parish of Huntley and Christ Church from the 1800’s, 1900’s, and up to 2013. Items will be scanned or copied and returned to you as soon as possible.  Please contact Sue Cox 836-2375 or  Thank you.
Ministry Activities that have already happened through GIFT...
  • 3000.00 has been given to the Christ Church 175th Legacy Fund
  • A new sound system has been purchased for St. Johns and will be put into action in September!
  • Our new website has been designed and launched
  • A Family & Youth Ministries Event Coordinator has been hired
  • A new oven has been purchased for the Parish Hall


You can find the GIFT Ministry plan HERE

If you would like to join this committee and discuss the implementation of the Ministry plans please contact Kathy Craig at 613-839-1066

Volunteers Needed....

St. James is looking for volunteers to clean the church bi-weekly. Anyone interested in helping, please contact Kathy Craig at 613-839-1066

Sunday School Leaders... we have an exciting new program for Sunday School. If you would like to volunteer please contact Cathy at the office; 613-839-3195. Youth who are trying to build their volunteer hours are welcome to be an assistant and help with leadership.

We are in need of two additional Pastoral Care Visitors. If you are able to visit one or two house bound parishioners once a month please contact me at

Community Info....

Expressions of Art Show...
An Art Exhibition & Sale is taking place at the Carp Agricultural Hall. The dates are Friday October 11th (7-9pm); October 12th (8am - 4pm); and Sunday, October 13th (10am - 4pm). For more information please visit: or call 613-839-1918

A Note from The Huntley Community Association
The HCA is looking for adult volunteers for Oktoberfest and for our Executive Committee:
  1. We are looking for Smart Serve Certified people who are interested in helping us out the night of the event (Saturday, October 5th). If you are interested in helping out, please get in touch with Ingrid Hunt at
  2. We are looking for a community-minded person to step into the HCA executive as the new Volunteer Sports Convenor. This job is strictly an organizer, someone who will delegate responsibilities to others in specific sports to facilitate the execution of a sports program.Duties include:Providing the voice of our sports programs to the HCA Executive once a month as Sports Convenor for the HCA
Assigning convenors to Outdoor Hockey, Ball Hockey, T-Ball/Softball, Tennis programs.
Supporting convenors when required with procuring sporting goods
Providing a Point Of Contact for The Carp Community for sports related questions
Reporting sports expenses to the HCA
Ensuring sports registrations days are advertised in local newspapers, on notice boards (Facebook etc) and on HCA signage
Other related duties to sports in the Carp community
For a fuller description of duties, please feel free to contact Peter Green, HCA Vice President, at

Tickets to Oktoberfest are 50% sold out.  Get your tickets while they last.
Dinner / Dance at the W. Erskine Johnston Arena
October 5th, 2013 (7 pm - 1 am)
Tickets are $30 and are only sold in advance (already 50% sold out)
Ticket includes a Bavarian-style meal, live music (Sidewinder Band, featuring Alan Coulas on accordion), and some cool giveaways.
Cash bar. Ticket holders must be 19 yrs or older.
For more information or for tickets, contact:

SchoolBOX Event...

"An Evening with the Friends of SchoolBOX" will be held on October 4, 2013  in the Old Town Hall in Almonte and will include a celebration of the successes of SchoolBOX, a launch of a video created for SchoolBOX, Silent and Live Auctions and music performed by talented local musicians. Doors will open at 7:00 and the program will begin at 7:30 and end at 10:00. Tickets are $20 each. For more information contact Katie Cotnam at

Closing Note...The above photo was taken at the end of Sunday's Simmental Show at the Fair and my Mentor, Barbara Vance and I had a wonderful day ~ with lots of laughs!

Some of you watched as I entered the ring with a belligerent cow, Zephyr, who made me work for every second I was in the ring. My arm muscles are killing me today! Though I would not wish anyone a hard time in the ring I was somewhat comforted when experienced cow handler, Dylan Foley, took Zephyr in to a class later on in the day and had an even harder time with her. It was only then that I believed the many comments from others who said that I had done a good job with a very difficult cow. It was extremely challenging but I had a great time and I achieved my goal... to not fall down in the ring!

I'm not sure if any of you were witness to my second class when I entered the ring with a young calf followed by her mother. In this class I was blessed with a calf who actually behaved much better than we expected her too and I was honoured to show with my Cow Mentor Barbara Vance who handled the mother (Mini Pea) while I handled the calf (April's Sweet Pea). Embarrassment took over when the announcer told the crowd about my horse showing history and mentioned that it was my first attempt at cow showing ~ then they handed me a trophy!

Over the past three months I have been reminded that the barn is truly a wonderful place to be. It has been both a great blessing and a wonderful learning experience. Participating in the fair this way was fantastic! (Although I will never take Zephyr back in a ring again!)


