KN-OW | Knowledge Network Ongoing Wisdom

ISEEK 2013

Assalamu'Alaikum, friends, colleagues, and supporters of KN-OW. 

We regret to inform you that due to unforeseen circumstances, ISEEK will not be taking place this Saturday. 

The reason for this is that earlier today the venue gave us an ultimatum - either we remove a number of speakers from the programme and continue, or we don't hold the event at all. 

We stand for justice and we stand by our speakers. Despite the extremely thorough measures we took to assure something like this would not happen, unfortunately, sometimes even the best laid plans cannot come to fruition. 

Everything is through the will of Allah alone. 


However, we have not lost hope or determination to provide YOU, dear friend, with the knowledge you rightly deserve. Our efforts to uphold the core principle of disseminating the most relevant, accurate, and important information to you and the rest of the global community can not, and will not, be quelled. This is unjust, and, now more than ever, we must continue our efforts even more ardently than before.


They can try and try... but Allah is the best of planners. We will be BACK - bigger and better than ever insha'allah.

With this spirit in mind, should you wish to still benefit from the talks of the speakers, scholars, and experts who were due to share their knowledge at ISEEK 2013, we are offering a partial refund to those who have already paid for their ticket (or live link access). The partial refund will entitle you access to a WEBCAST that will broadcast all the talks from the speakers who were set to present at ISEEK, and possibly more, hosted by KN-OW on October 12th, 2013. The Webcast will be priced at £4.99 (GBP). 

Details and a full schedule will follow as we work towards this endeavour. They can cancel the venue but let's see how they stop this one. We need your help to make this truly viral insha'allah. 

**Those who wish to claim a full refund can still do so.** 

To claim your full or partial refund, please send an e-mail to indicating which option you choose. 

We offer our sincerest apologies if we have caused you any inconvenience. 

Given we are just over 24 hours to the event if any of you have incurred significant cost already please do email us with details and we will see if there is anything we can do.

We are obviously bitterly disappointed but we assure you that we will continue undeterred and keep you informed of further developments as they occur. 

Until then, keep the thirst for knowledge strong, and always seek clarity about reality! 

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