Welcome to Beverly Dillow's E-Newsletter!  Enjoy a devotional on being Heavenly Minded.  Beverly loves to have feedback, so don't hesitate to drop her a line and let her know what your desires are in living a life for Him!

Heavenly Minded

" But seek first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added to you..." Matthew 6:33

I heard a preacher say once, “Don’t be so heavenly minded, that you are no earthly good.” I had to think on that one for a while, and still think of that statement often. To this day, I’m still not sure what he was really trying to say. I guess it would mean, you think about heaven and the things of God so much that you forget where you really are and you don’t give back to society to do any good??? Not sure.

Personally, I wish more people were more heavenly minded, including myself. If we were consumed more with God and His Word, we might not have some of the problems we end up with in our lives.

Here are five quick ways to see just how heavenly minded we are in a typical day:

  1. How much time and thought goes into your quiet time in prayer and reading His Word?

  2. Do you have standards set for your life and home that reflect God’s principles for daily living?

  3. What you read, listen to in your music, and watch on television; does it reflect the things of God or those

    things that are destroying marriages and family relationships?

  4. When posting your status update on the many social media outlets, does it show a woman who is heavenly

    minded or do you push the limit in your comments and pictures?

  5. At work, church and home, are you known as the woman who is obedient to God or known as the woman

    who is tolerated for her unkindness and cruel remarks?

Those are just five simple, easy self check points that would help us to see if we are heavenly minded or worldly minded.

I don’t know about you, but I would prefer to be heavenly minded in this wild and crazy world we live in. I believe when we are truly heavenly minded, we can reach the world for Christ without any regrets. The sad news is, we live in a fallen world and it doesn’t come easy. At the beginning of each day we need to give the day to God and ask Him to guide each step we take. 

“Heavenly Father, Forgive me for the ways that I have not honored You in my life. I ask for wisdom and discernment in each decision that I make today. I pray that my life would only bring honor and glory to You. Thank you for saving my soul and may I always have peace of living eternally with You someday in that beautiful place called Heaven. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Beverly Dillow

Heart Talk

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What is Beverly up to?

Along with living life to the fullest, she is:

Writing monthly Book Reviews for Christian Book Association Magazine

In the works:
*Homeschooling Book
*Women's Ministry Book
*Bible Study
*Periodical articles

October 21, 2013
Kelview Heights Baptist Church
Midland, Texas

Travel Plans:
Branson, MO
Washington, DC

At the top of her book reading stack, she
is reading:
A Woman Seeking God, Discover God
in the Places of Your Life
by Dorothy Patterson


Fall Is In The Air!

What a wonderful time of year!  A slight chill is in the air, even in West Texas!  One of my favorite things to do at this time is to decorate my house for the new season.  As crazy as it may sound, I even have the urge to bake.  Those who know me well, know that is an unusual happening.  The smell of pumpkin bread baking is one of my favorites, even if it is 90 degrees outside.  What are some of the ways you make the new season special for your family?  We want our children to have sweet memories of home and what a great way to make those memories by preparing the comforts of home during this beautiful time of year.  

Oh, The Places You Will Go!

Speaking at Northside Baptist Church in Weatherford, Texas was a highlight of last month!  I met many precious ladies and I'm so excited about their new women's ministry beginning under the leadership of Shelley Merworth and her amazing leadership team.  

Soon after that event, my husband and I went on a week long cruise to Alaska.  How beautiful it was!  Our last port was in Victoria, BC.  We were only in Victoria for a few hours and I am now scheming up ways to be able to go back and spend more time in that beautiful city.

We also celebrated my amazing mom's 75th birthday.  What a beautiful lady she is and her testimony as a godly woman is even more beautiful.  


Beverly's Blog

Read the latest in Beverly's world on her blog.  Through her blog she hopes to share her love of home and family which begins with desiring to have a heart like His.  Loving and serving Christ is the beginning to succeeding in every area of our lives.  If Beverly's blog is an encouragement to you, she would love to hear your comments.  This is where Beverly hopes to encourage you in your daily living. "Therefore, comfort each other and edify one another..." I Thessalonians 5:11 NKJV

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