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Transcending unto Self-Mastery
Harvest Full Moon in Pisces on September 19th, 2013

Sabian Symbol, 26.41 degree Pisces:

The Harvest Moon rises in translucent autumnal skies.

Thse power of creative visualization by which great Dreamers transcend outer reality. Complete dominance of circumstances.


I have a feeling that we are all noticing the increase of intense energies in our lives at this moment in time. With Saturn, the planet that governs this 3D reality and the North Node (our collective Destiny) coming to conjunction the last week of September, it is just impossible to escape the wind of change that is blowing on us all. I have spoken in my previous essays about Saturn in Scorpio (see here). This force that test our integrity, commitment, truth and bring to light our hidden strength in the midst of the challenges it creates. The commitment that Saturn is testing us on is, the commitment to our Spiritual Growth and Soul Evolution. Wherever you are falling short and letting yourself down into duality consciousness, Saturn will continue to harshly but truthfully show you where you need to bring awareness, healing and change in order to find true happiness and fulfillment in this life.

"We are born of eternal day, and the Spiritual Sun shall never set upon the glory of the soul, for it is the coming forth of God/Goddess into self-expression." - Ernest Holmes


It is almost a year now that Saturn has moved in the deep and powerfully transformative waters of the sign of Rebirth, Intuition, Self-healing and Self-Mastery: Scorpio. By now, would you have resisted the lessons that it is bringing to your awareness for your own fulfillment, or would you have embrace them, you most definitely have come to some clarity of what needs to be let go of and what needs to change, in order for you to grow, evolve and ascend. Saturn meeting with the North Node teaches us that in order to get what our soul is longing for, to live the dream that we have chosen to live in this 3D reality, we need to let go of what we have outgrown, shedding with compassion and non-judgement this old skin, which has become too heavy for us to carry anyways. As I was taking a walk on Thunder Mountain trail yesterday, a tree caught my attention. Half of his body was unprotected by its bark. It asked me to touch his raw skin, showing me that it is safe, that I myself can shed this old skin, and armor that is blocking this infinite flow of unconditional love and compassion for oneself. Teaching me that there is no enemy out there, only within. Once we bring our awareness to those soft spots that we have tried to protect somehow, once we let go of that armor, we can feel our raw heart beating with utmost strength, joy and purity. I then arrived at the Tibetan Stupa Amithaba and sat in deep gratitude as I enjoy doing every day. I experienced a very heart warming moment there as a man walked to the Statue of the Buddha up on a hill. This man had a surfer look and his arms where covered by tattoos, his own armor. He walked with assertion and arrived in front of the Buddha. He then folded his hands into a prayer mudra and spoke to the Buddha briefly. To me, it was another divine message that we are all very sensitive, that we all want happiness, peace and true love. I was grateful to have witnessed from afar this prayerful moment. Remembering that judgement does not serve any of us, that we can never know what someone else is going through, that if we do not want to be judge, we shall not judge.

"You can only be responsible of your own choices, let others take responsibility for theirs and set yourself free!" - Gaia Earth Star

A deep time it is. A time to face our deepest rooted fears, what we have hidden in the closest of our dark cave for many lifetimes. Remember that on the other side of Fear is Love, is your true happiness; allow fear to become your guide and friend as you bravely choose to overcome the self-limiting beliefs and patterns they mirror to you.

Luckily, though nothing is but a divine plan, Saturn and the North Node in Scorpio is the most supportive alignment to assist us to get on the other side of Fear, to experience and celebrate our Fearlessness; as Chogyam Trungpa would say "the path of the true warrior". Once you allow yourself to ride the wave of change, taking you into uncharted waters, to new territories, on an adventure that you are sure to not forget about, you will most definitely be happy you did! Bear in mind, that this wave takes you into the unknown which implies your mind cannot conceive how it is all going to unfold. Therefore, Trust is the key. Trust in you, in the universe, in the divine order, the natural flow of existence. 


This is what this bright and powerful Full Moon in Pisces is assisting us with: Let go and Let God/Goddess is the underlying order. Scorpio reminds us that this physical body is only a temporary home, meant to be transcended (Pisces). The call of your Soul and Spirit has reached the depth of your Heart and you know it. You now cannot ignore that wake up call. You know that you are being ask to take that leap of Faith, to jump into the unknown, and deep down you know you are safe and protected, you feel it in the soft whisper of your breath and heart, where the universal flow, Source, God and Goddess flows at all times with or without your conscious awareness. The Golden Age, is about awakening to our true nature, to our Buddha nature, to our Christ consciousness, to the Goddess Energy, to our divinity in this physical body. As per the wise words of Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini, "Religion is a personal reality" and Saturn, the density of this 3D planet  is making sure we know it, coupled with the North Node, the Phoenix rising from the ashes of the past, of what we thought it was to be human, the stories that were told to us about our History, where we come from and where we will go; both energies launching us into unity consciousness and assisting us to live our dream. Whatever you desire, you will get; the trick here is to create from our spiritual self not our ego, our false sense of identity and separation in this 3D reality. 


Scorpio is asking all of us to take our power back, no victim consciousness will do here. We must find out for ourselves what it means to be human, to find our true purpose in this life, ultimately to find your own truth and walk its path, a unique path that no one has ever walked and will ever walk. This is the ultimate freedom that is offer to us, nevertheless it takes great courage and trust to step on this path. Others can inspire you but no one can walk it for you; remember this is why you have chosen this particular path, your soul path on Planet Earth, to feel and experience the joy of each step, as you walk your path to greater awareness, seeing beyond the illusion of the ego-mind of separateness, competition, manipulation and power struggles; awakening to your compassionate heart, to the remembrance that we are One. Time to go beyond this illusion that continues to destroy our Planet, kill our loved ones and keep us prisoners of our own self-created mind prison.


This is the order of the day with this Full Moon in Pisces, the vibration of compassion, service, transcendence, liberation and oneness. As you walk the path of your truth, you serve all of us, becoming an example and an inspiration yourself. Pisces is also the sign of creativity as it taps into the collective unconscious, ruling the dream space. Pay attention to your dreams, as your Spirit and Soul are sending you subliminal messages to guide you on your path. Start a Dream Journal and trust the messages that are sent to you. You will quickly find yourself riding the cosmic creative wave of the Universe, leading you to living your Dream in this 3D reality, your temporary home called Earth. 


Venus, the Planet of Love, Beauty and Harmony also play her role in the deep, intuitive and unknown water of scorpio. Scorpio is the 3rd Eye, the all seeing eye. Venus conjuncts Saturn a day before the full moon on the 18th and sextile Pluto in Capricorn. No superficial relationship will make it through…the truth and reality of your relationships will be brought to your awareness and my advice will be to not put your head in the sand and allow anyone that is no longer in alignment with who you are and supporting your growth, to go, releasing them with unconditional love, gratitude and forgiveness. It might take you some time to do so, just be patient with yourself. The bottom line is in your heart and on a soul level, you know it is best for you and the other. I highly recommend linking to their soul, it will lighten up your heart and allow you to remember that all is in divine order and change is a constant of life, a natural phenomenon. 

Jupiter in Cancer until next June 2014 continues to connect us to our feelings, to our sense of safety and nurturing. This Full Moon promises to be on the intense side as much as we resist to acknowledge deep truth of what truly is supporting our Soul growth and what is just sucking the life out of us, but because of fear we just can't seem to let go. Well, the time has come, and practicing the art of letting go will soon prove to have been a wise choice on your part. Jupiter assist us in connecting to what truly nurture our Soul; with Saturn and the North Node in Scorpio, rebirthing of the Soul in this human life is the choice that we are all presented with. No need to physically die, we get a one of a kind opportunity to rebirth in the same body, experiencing transcendence and the deep nurturing of our Soul through the Goddess Vibration, in this life.


To top this emotionally charged Full Moon, Chiron in Pisces, the wounded healer, the wounds that we bring from past lives to be healed in this life, takes us into the cosmic wound that we all carry in the cells of our bodies. I came across this beautiful and poignant short essay from Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, this tibetan angel that brought Tibetan Buddhism, the vibration of Compassion, to the United States in the 60's. preparing us for the Golden Age. Again another hint that you are not in this alone, we are all in this together. Feel the comfort of this knowing in your heart as you read those words.


The Cosmic Wound by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche

"Although we may feel as though we're covered with a cast-iron shield, a sore spot always exist in us, which is fantastic. That sore spot is known as embryonic compassion, potential compassion. At least we have some kind of gap, some discrepancy in our state of being, which allows basic sanity to shine through. Not only that, but there is also an inner wound, which is called tathagatagarbha, or buddha nature. Buddha nature is like a heart that is sliced and bruised by wisdom and compassion. When the external wound begin to meet and to communicate, then we begin to realize that our whole being is made out of one complete sore spot altogether. That vulnerability is compassion. We really have no way to defend to ourselves anymore to all. A gigantic cosmic wound is all over the place - an inward wound and an external wound at the same time. Both are sensitive to cold air, hot air, and a little disturbances of atmosphere which begin to affect us both inwardly and outwardly. It is the living flame of love, if you would like to call it that."



Full Moons are times of completion and endings. Know that what is being taken away, removed inside and outside of yourself, be it a relationship, money, a home, a job; know that it is giving you a clean slate to build a new solid foundation (Saturn) based on your unique and particular path of Truth (North Node), lighting up your load for you to spiritually advance and align with your life purpose which ultimately is the path you have chosen to experience true happiness in this life. Allow the pain, the tears to be released, you are only human, and this is why you incarnated, to feel those human feelings (Jupiter in Cancer) and rise above them with a renewed Spirit and the remembrance that Planet Earth is a School where we all get to graduate, where we are all held with unconditional love and compassion. No one is left behind, rest assured. This is the gift of this Harvest Full Moon, the Universe has your back and is conspiring to make your dreams come true; as you let go, you make room for your dream to become reality.


In those times of intense change, please be extra gentle with yourself, try and stay away from fear spaces and environments, turn off the TV, go where you feel empowered and accepted. Spend time with Mother Earth, the Great Nurturer, be it in the wild or a public garden in your city, or just tune into her in your heart. Do what makes you feel alive and happy. And if the energies are just to heavy, just retreat, rest, restore yourself and come back out when you feel renewed and ready to open up to the world again. Be patient with yourself, time of change are psychologically, emotionally and physically draining. Honor yourself and most of all, love yourself unconditionally. You are so precious and unique, look into the eyes of your Soul and smile. You are beautiful. You are human.

"Existence is not a problem to be solved, it is a mystery to be lived". - Osho

Would you like to discover the mysteries and wisdom of your natal chart?
Do you know where Saturn and the North Node falls into your chart?

Do you desire guidance and clarity on the patterns you need to release to experience
true happiness in this life?

Click here to see how I can assist you as a guiding Light with Soul Astrology and Counseling.

My Unconditional Love to You

Gaia Earth Star
Your Soul Astrologer,
Pleiadian Channel and Spirit Guide
"Remembering We Are One"

Read Gaia’s Essay “ Why Soul Astrology is an important key to your happiness here
Read Inspiring Astrologer Lada's Essay on Saturn Conjunct Moon in the Birth Chart here
Awaken to your potential to give and receive love. Schedule your Soul Love Reading here
A guided Pleiadian Meditation by Gaia Earth Star


This guided meditation will assist you in awakening to your compassionate heart,  experiencing the Divine Pure Flow of Eternal and Unconditional Love that resides within your own heart. Feeling that vibration of Self-Love within all the cells and atoms of your body. And then beaming this frequency through your compassionate heart, to your loved ones and all living beings. Unconditional love is the core of all relationships; as you awaken to your compassionate heart this vibration will change your entire human experience, seeing the bigger picture, feeling and radiating the highest vibration of love called Soul Love. Share this meditation with all!

Click here or on image above to awaken to your compassionate heart, the One Heart.

BOOK your Soul Love Astrology Reading or Soul Counseling with Gaia Earth Star today!


The soul astrology recording Gaia Earth Star gave me for my future 2 year time line was excellent!  Gaia help bring me clarity into some things that I have been dealing with.  This clarity will help me to live a more fulfilled life, inline with my soul purpose.  I would definitely recommend Gaia to anyone who wants to know about their soul purpose in life.  Thanks again Gaia!
- Mark, Entrepreneur, from Chicago, IL 

I had a beautiful soul reading with Gaia. She was insightful and informed and also loving and pragmatic. I felt much lighter and very comforted after my session, and felt her love and compassion. Plus I really enjoyed talking to her! I recommend Gaia and her services to anyone who is in need of advice, reassurance, validation or a reminder that they have a purpose and what that purpose is.
- Neena Thakkar, Consultant, London, UK
Read more reviews here
BOOK your session with Gaia Earth Star and start LIVING YOUR DREAM today!

Joseph Campbell's version of the Buddha's enlightenment

In Campbell's version, the immovable spot or axis mundi is not a geographical place, but a state of mind. It is that place in the psyche that is not moved by desire and fear. To test the future-Buddha, Mara appeared as three different characters.  The first was Kama, or desire. He displayed before Siddhartha his three beautiful daughters named Lust, Fulfillment, and Regret. If Siddhartha had not let go of his desire he would have looked for a way to fulfill his lust and would inevitably regret it. But he had disengaged his mind from the bodily desire. Kama then turned himself into Mara, Lord of Death, and he brought an army of monstrous demons and threw against the Buddha all kind of weapons to inspire fear. But there was no "I" there to be frightened. This may explain why we don't see the Buddha's image in early Buddhist arts where he was symbolized by his throne, a dharma-wheel or a blurred image. He had disengaged himself. And the weapons that came into his realm of presence/non-existence were turned into lotuses or flowers. Mara turned himself now into Dharma, the Lord of Social Duty. It was a trick and also a trap. Siddhartha was born a prince and destined to be a king. His duty was to rule and to rule well. How could he leave his people and the world behind in the pursuit of personal gratification? Wasn't that a selfish and cowardly act? By the way, where did he get the idea that he deserved to be and was about to become Buddha? what an egotistical jerk that he really was. Campbell gave an excellent rhetorical answer: "How in heaven's name are you going to find your own track if you are always doing what society tells you your duty is?" So Buddha just dropped his hand and touched the earth. This is: "Don't try to move me with this journalistic appeal. I'm interested in eternity." And he called the Mother goddess to witness his right to be there. The goddess Earth herself said, "This is my beloved son who has, through innumerable lifetimes, so given of himself, there is no body here." And with that the elephant on which the Dharma was riding bowed, the army was dispersed and the Buddha received Illumination.

Buddha’s last words to his disciples “Make yourself a light. Rely upon yourself: do not depend on anyone else. Make my teachings your light. My disciples, my last moment has come, but do not forget that death is only the end of the physical body. The body was born from parents and was nourished by food; just as inevitable are sickness and death. But the true Buddha is not a human body: -it is Enlightenment. A human body must die, but the Wisdom of Enlightenment will exist forever in truth and in practice.”

BASHAR - Channeled message from the 9th Dimension

Bashar is a multi-dimensional extra-terrestrial being who speaks through channel Darryl Anka from what we perceive as the future. Bashar explores a wide-range of subjects with great insight, humor and a profound understanding of how reality creation occurs!

 Full Moon in Pisces Oracle Reading - Spread your Wings!
"Do not hold back right now. The timing is perfect, and you are ready to soar!"

Although you may feel intimidated by the prospect of change, and by the thought of moving past your comfort zone, you're ready to fly high. Welcome new opportunities and know that it's safe to follow your heart and dreams. Keep your focus upon love, service and spirit and avoid nay-sayers and skeptics. Remember that you inspire others with your story of turning challenges into victories.

Working with Archangel Ariel:
Ariel loves living beings, and gladly helps them all. She's a master manifestor, and she is especially supportive of people who are healers, teachers and service workers. She is very partial to the environmental area and she works closely with the nature angels to protect and heal animals - particularly birds, animals and fish who live near or in the water. One way to work with Ariel is to participate in environmental work, including picking up trash near a lake, stream or ocean; donating time or money to an environmental cause or switching to environmentally friendly cleaning supplies.
Gaia Earth Star is an Earth Angel, she is connected to the Angelic and Spirit Realms and through an Angel Reading will deliver in a loving, empowering and compassionate way the messages your angels and guides have for you, assisting you in living your dream. Book your reading here
CRYSTALLINE GAIA COLLECTION - Green and Clear Apophyllite 
Connection with Nature Spirits and Interdimensional Awareness
Chakra: Crown (7th), Third Eye (6th) and Heart (4th)


Green Apophyllite encourages joy in the wonder of physical life. Meditating with it opens one’s perception to seeing and interacting with Nature Spirits, devas and to telepathically communicate with animals and plants. Keeping this crystal in your environment will infuse it with the refreshing energies of Nature. If recovering from illness, it will invoke the energies of rebirth, healing and growth.  

Clear Apophyllite excel at attuning one to higher frequency energies of the angelic and interdimensional realms. This crystal is excellent for meditation and can serve as a window into many other worlds and those wishing to experience interdimensional travel will enjoy working with it. It also brings clarity and purity in one’s space.

Click here or on image to buy Crystalline Gaia Collection

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