 PyCon 2014 Keynote speakers, furl, abstracting control flow and much more.

Issue #87: Thanksgiving (CA)
Friday,  October 11th, 2013


Hi Pythonistas!

Happy Thanksgiving to all our Canadian readers who will be celebrating this coming weekend. We have a great issue this week to get you ready for the weekend whether it is a holiday weekend for you or not.



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Mahdi and Mike

News and Developments.


Announcing the Pycon 2014 Keynotes (

Keynote speakers have been announced for Pycon 2014. This time around the keynote speaker lineup includes Van Lindberg, Jessica McKellar, Fernando Perez,  Guido Van Rossum and John Perry Barlow.



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New to Python (





furl (

This intends to make url manipulation simple. Has an easy to use api for accessing and updating url parameters, modifying url paths, dealing with url fragments and much more.


csscompressor (

Port of YUI CSS Compressor to Python.


emacs-jedi (

If you are a vim user you may have seen jedi.vim, now for the emacs crowd we have jedi.el to provide you with Python autocompletion for emacs.


dh-virtualenv (

Combining Python virtualenvs with debian packages. Interesting idea, for more in depth details, check out the related blog post.


lifelines (

Survival analysis in Python by the author of Bayesian Methods for Hackers.


webtest-plus (

An extension of WebTest with useful extras, including requests-style authentication and redirect following.



Python Jobs.


Python/Django Developer (London, UK)

at Tangent Labs.


Open Source System Developer (New York, NY)

at Datadog.


Back End Developer (New York, NY)

at Datadog.



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Mapping Data in Python with Pandas and Vincent (

With the most recent release of Vincent, doing awesome stuff with maps is now possible checkout this blog post to see how.

What's in Which Python 3? (

Nice little summary of what features were included in which Python 3.

Read and Write Video Frames in Python Using FFMPEG (

This article shows how easy it is to read or write video frames with Python, by calling the external software FFMPEG through pipes. Worth the read if you are interested in video manipulation.

Abstracting Control Flow (

Nice thought experiment of an article. It discusses the advantages between composability and control flow. A bit extreme, but excellent thing to think about.

Introduction Hardware Hacking Arduino (

Interested in playing around with an Arduino and some Python to send a text message by the push of a button? Then look no further.

Making a Multi-Branch Test Server (


Pycoder's Weekly Issue #88
October 18th, 2013


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