Final post to the rmooc list.


So, technically, yesterday was the final day for the action-portion of rmooc! Today’s email reminder reflects what may be the last build of the site before we turn it toward an archive of sorts, and then see how it may transmogrify for the work to be done. We end, fittingly enough, where we started. We just installed the Reconsidering Reconciliation exhibition at the UBC-Okanagan FINA gallery in Kelowna after the artwork was driven down, graciously, by Stephen Foster. You will recall that the rmooc really kicked off with the start of the recon recon residency, back on July 15. We continued to post process through the end of the res on Aug 15, and followed that with numerous other coverages including the Ghost Dance exhibition at the Ryerson Image Gallery in Toronto, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission national gathering in Vancouver, the first staging of the Recon show at the Thompson Rivers Art Gallery, and now its current incarnation including a video walk through of the opening in Kelowna. Along the way, we tried to touch on other matters of art and reconciliation as best we could, including shows like Beat Nation and Reconsidering Curtis, all part of this rmooc. So here you have it, the final swath of photos from the opening night of the show at UBC-O. Time now, perhaps, for rest and reconsideration of a different kind. The work has just begun.

Note: rmooc officially wrapped up on Sept. 30, 2013 but this site will continue to be available as an archive and resource.

“Art+Reconciliation,” is a MOOC that addresses how artistic practices can engage in questions of reconciliation, most particularly in the Canadian context of residential schools and the associated and ongoing Truth and Reconciliation Commission. As part of our process we explored the history of the residential school system in Canada, discussed strategies of creating and increasing an awareness of Indigenous practices and histories from Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal perspectives, engaged in a critical inquiry of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Indian Residential Schools, and all the while thought through how artistic media can be a driving force in this articulation. Our ‘course’ began July 15 and the first segment, incorporating the ‘Reconsidering Reconciliation’ arts residency in Kamloops, ran til Aug 31. The second phase ran through to Sept 30, 2013, with a rolling registration and sign up for this RMOOC  so participants could receive our updates. There were various manners by which viewers could partake, explained in the how to participate in this site via social media and tools we built that allowed various forms of contribution to the experience. rmooc is officially closed as an ongoing and maintained site, but will be reinvented as an archive and database that will likely take on new life as we all proceed with this work. 
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