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ISSN 2318-1958

Issue 06, October 1st, 2013

SciELO 15 Years: scholarly communication, meetings, reunions, poetry and music

The advances, trends and innovations that are shaping the future of scholarly communication will be analyzed and discussed in SciELO 15 Years Conference in an environment conducive to  the exchange of ideas and experiences, to meetings and reunions of researchers, students and professionals in information and scholarly communication, and representatives of public institutions and commercial companies as well. [Read more]


Interview with Janet Seggie

To improve the quality of the peer review process, Dr. Janet Seggie recommends formal training specifically addressing this activity as part of a researcher’s normal tasks, and give him or her the corresponding credit. This method could be better than the options of paid review and of proposals of open peer review.

Publication ethics and the problem of plagiarism

Plagiarism in the academic environment not only violates an author’s copyright and moral rights, but is also unethical behavior which may justify the expulsion of the perpetrators from their institution. There are different forms of plagiarism which occur with differing frequencies. A recent report produced by the company iThenticate shows ten of the most common cases and their degree of seriousness.

EVIPNet Brazil encourages a narrowing of the gap between scientific knowledge and health policies

The use of scientific research to provide advice for public health policies has been promoted in Brazil since 2007 by the Evidence-Informed Policy Network through the production and dissemination of evidence briefs for health policies. Resulting from a partnership between the Ministry of Health and BIREME/PAHO/WHO, EVIPNet seeks to increase the use of scientific knowledge in the Sistema Único de Saúde, Brazil’s Public Health System.

From lists to rankings

Based on Umberto Eco’s book “The Vertigo of Lists”, this blog post recalls the historical origin of lists, discussing their evolution to today’s sophisticated technological artifacts of information organization, and culminating in the emergence of global hierarchical listings showing the positioning of universities, also known as rankings.

A varied panorama of rankings

Currently there is a varied panorama of university rankings at different levels – international, regional and national – and the national ones show their importance by being more in tune with the national context than the international rankings, and even use additional sources to rank the Institutions of Higher Learning in their respective countries.

To the sound of music and brazilian poetry: A Barca, an unforgettable poetic record

Don’t miss the musical performance of the group A Barca on the evening of October 22 during the opening ceremony of the SciELO 15 Years Conference! A Barca’s works are inspired by the Brazilian poet Mário de Andrade. Music and poetry are brought together as common elements in the idea of passages, of restlessness and of the desire to bring together the riches from a lively Brazilian treasure. A truly unforgettable poetic record not to be forgotten!
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