
As part of the Designing Buildings Wiki community you have joined 1,000 of your construction industry colleagues helping put all construction industry knowledge in one place, available for free. More than 200,000 users have benefited. Read more...

Snapdragon Consulting's Rebekah Paczek takes one last look at this year's conference season. This week, the Conservatives, with Thatcher tributes, ‘proper sciences,’ Help to Buy and family-friendly tenancies. Handbags at dawn anyone? Read more...
When the Housing Grants Construction and Regeneration Act was passed, Najma Dunnett recalls asking whether a collateral warranty constituted a construction contract. “Interesting question,” came the response. The case of Parkwood Leisure Limited v Laing offers an interesting answer, and it seems to be "yes, it can." Read more...
We have some great new content from one of our top contributors ‘Kenny’ (aka Chris). Everything you could possibly want to know about defects in stonework, as well as defects in brickwork and wall tie failure. A brilliant resource to help you avoid, identify and treat common problems.

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