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Welcome to our Newsletter
Well, it is a public holiday for most Australian's today & we are still on school holidays over here in the West - so today's fortnightly newsletter is coming to you a little later in the day than normal.
BIG NEWS of the day is the launch of the LookUpStrata Strata Job Listing Directory which went live this morning. If you have a position to be filled or you are personally looking for a new challenge, have a look at post below for more information or email me if you have any questions.
If are not yet a member of LookUpStrata, we would love you to Join Us.
Buying Strata: 7 Questions to Ask
Adobe Strata Team
It’s important that you do your homework when you buy a strata titled property, or you could find yourself paying a lot more than you bargained for. Alternatively, you could find yourself allowed to DO a lot less than you bargained for!
Whether it’s pet ownership, levies or the use of common areas, there can be plenty of room for conflict. Knowing upfront how it works and the ‘personality’ of the body corporate can save you lots of grief over time. Here are our top 7 recommendations for things to ask about when buying a strat
To celebrate the launch of the directory, LookUpStrata is offering the very special price of just $55.00/listing (inc. GST) for the first 3 jobs listed on the directory. This offer is available until close of business on the 9 October or until 3 jobs have been listed.
If you have a strata job to fill, reach out to the RIGHT people!
For a flat listing price LookUpStrata will also promote the listing across our social media channels.
Looking for work in the strata industry? Stay tuned for our Wanting Strata Work section.
Forum Question:
How do we dismiss our negligent Strata Manager?
I am in South Australia. At AGM I had proxy votes to dismiss our Strata Manager. He said I was a not fully paid up member and therefore my vote and proxies where void. He had 9 votes and without me our co-op had 9 votes. Our strata manager appointed himself and said we have to be with him till the next AGM! I had fully paid up my Strata Fee’s except for $ 34 late paying fee’s – an amount I dispute about. Furthermore, I had 25 individu....
Thanks to Pam from Integra Strata for helping with a reply:
The easiest way to proceed is to call a special general meeting which can be done by 25% of owners. This written instruction is passed to your manager who ha...
Forum Question:
Can money be withheld from owners when collections for common areas upgrades fail?
Legally, can money be with held from owners when collections for common area upgrades fail? I wish to have my money returned. 3 strata units. Common area is a driveway. 1 of the 3 units have not met their money obli.....
Thanks to Pam from Integra Strata for helping with a reply:
If two of three units have paid for the works to be carried out, then the defaulting unit should progressed to debt recovery to collect the outstanding fees. The project for repair would have been resolved at ....
Thanks so much to our member John Timms for keeping us posted on latest developments concerning short-term letting in Australia:
"The conclusions of the Victorian Building Appeals Board in regard to Waterview Walk Docklands make interesting reading and throw some more light on this subject. R.....
For those keeping up with the case, scroll down right to the end of the page for the latest information. Feel free to add a comment.