
The Raven

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
'Tis some visitor,' I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door -
Only this, and nothing more."
Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December,
And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
Eagerly I wished the morrow; - vainly I had sought to borrow
From my books surcease of sorrow - sorrow for the lost Lenore -
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels named Lenore -
Nameless here for evermore.

Edgar Allen Poe


I enjoy this time of year with the gorgeous foliage, cooler weather and without the hustle and bustle of the upcoming holiday season. 

There are people who think that I am sad that I closed my "brick and mortar" store, but alas, it is like a huge burden has been lifted from my shoulders.
I look forward to working from back home and having the time to concentrate on my online store and putting new items on it in the future.

After MANY loads in my SUV, help from my husband , football player son and help from my daughter's boyfriend with his HUGE pickup truck - everything is out of my store and back home.  
Now the project is to organize everything and remember which tub I stored what in!
My storage room in my basement (which has been heated and air conditioned  since we built our house back in the day will now be cleaned out (finally)!
That is where my long arm machine from my store will be set up and my store inventory will be safely stored.

While my Lenni long arm is dismantled, it will be set up for an appointment and shipped out to the APQS factory in Iowa for a "spa" treatment. It has been a workhorse and it is due to get serviced before being set up in its new home!
Meanwhile, my larger machine has been quite busy with MANY quilts to get finished before Christmas.  This is the time of the year, I won't get even overall designs done within a week or so as I usually can get done.
Thanks for understanding!

I did get one room organized and that is my "sewing" room on the main level of my home. (which by the way is right around the corner from the previous store). This is where I will meet customers and go over your quilt with you.
It is a rather nice room if I say so myself! The first piece of furniture I made sure to reassemble  from my store was my ironing table that my husband built. Next is my awesome cutting table that will go downstairs by my large long arm machine. My husband said it wasn't too bad to take it apart , hope it goes as easy to reassemble it! He does wonderful work - it is hard to believe that we build our home ourselves 20 some years ago and put an addition on 10 years ago!

My online store is on hold for now, as I need to concentrate on getting customer quilts finished for the holidays. I'm not getting any new inventory in except for Edyta Sitar's Hope Chest line and some new precuts later this year.
After the beginning of the year, I will be increasing my inventory of new Moda lines, batiks and who know what else?!  
Hopefully within the next month I can get caught up on quilts and get working on it again to get it live.  If anyone needs anything, you know what I have - just let me know.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for my loyal long arm customers ( old, new and future)!  It is because of you and your support that I continue to do what I love to do!!

Reminder that long arm customers receive 10% off anything you purchase from me for a period of a year from the time you bring your last quilt to me. I have many regular customers who this isn't an issue for. If you haven't brought a quilt to me within the past year, contact me about buying a "Tiger" card. It is a fundraiser for our Southern Columbia football/cheerleader boosters.
For $10 you can buy a card that has 25 local businesses that offer discounts (my business is one). The card is good through August of 2014 and is is easy to get your $10 back in various discounts.

Finally, a reminder about setting up appointments to bring in quilts or to pick up Block of the Month kits. Although, most days I am home and working here, you do need to set up a time to come.   Things come up for me as well, if not a doctor appointment or something at the last minute with my family. That is the benefit of being your own boss which I do appreciate now more than ever. I am very easy to work with and will work with you on a time that works for both of us.
I only ask that is we set up a time, that you keep it unless of something that comes up last minute. Then please call or text me at 570-259-2008. My phone number, email, website address has not changed.

Until next time, hope you get to enjoy the beautiful but short lived fall season!
