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Welcome to our latest Newsletter

Big news this week - the NSW Government has released the Strata Scheme Management (proof) discussing the upcoming strata reforms for NSW. Have a look at the article below which links out to the Government's release plus further information including a 2UE radio interview between Jimmy Thomson & Paul Murray.

We continue to upgraded our site & improved our service to you. For details about this please see the information below.

As always, the site continues to be guided by its members; therefore if you have a request for some information, or an idea for a new page or forum topic, please let me know. 

Please feel free to forward this newsletter on if you feel others may be interested by the content.

I can be contacted at



Money, Money, Money.......Strata Levies Explained

Abode Strata Team

How are strata levies determined?
The levies are set by your strata council. The council may ask your strata manager to propose a budget based upon previous years’ expenditure, CPI increase and any other work that may be scheduled. This budget is voted on and adopted at the AGM by all owners, with levies are raised and collected based on the proje.......
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How to Nominate a New Body Corporate Manager

Kelly Borell
Tower Body Corporate

Any owner in a body corporate can submit a motion or proposal to engage/appoint a new body corporate management company, in one of two ways:

1.  Submitting the motion as a Lot owner:

Owners may submit a motion as a Lot owner to be included on the agenda of the next general meeting to be held after the motion is received.

However, for a motion to be included on the age....

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Oppressive or Unreasonable

Frank Higginson
Hynes Legal

If you are in the strata management industry, expect to see a lot more of this phrase in coming years.
Section 180 of the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 sets out limitations for by-laws. Amongst other things ‘A by-law must not be oppressive or unreasonable, having regard to the interests of all owners and occupiers of lots included in the scheme and the use of the common prope....
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Dysfunctional OC

By Bailey Compton
Leverage Australia Solicitors

Whenever I heard a reference to OC’s I always thought of that soap opera which was situated in Orange County in the United States, “the OC”. That was about a whole pile of dysfunctional people going through dysfunctional relationships and generally living dysfunctional lives. It then suddenly dawned on me that, dysfunctional families are really an allegory on how an Owners Corporatio.....
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A New Approach to Mesothelioma

Peter Berney
Solutions In Engineering

A new therapy for asbestos-related tumours has shown promise in an animal model. The results, reported in the open access journal BMC Cancer, raise hopes of a new therapy for this currently incurable cancer. Malignant mesothelioma (MMs) is a rare form of cancer, which tends to be diagnosed decades after exposure occurs, so is rarely caught early. Current treatments, including surgery and chemotherapy, have limited efficacy and unpleasant side effects.

Traditional chemotherapeutic drugs work by destroying cells that divide quickly – so they are indiscriminate killers, destroying healthy dividing....
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The Strata Scheme Management Proof Released by NSW Government

Last week the Strata Scheme Management (Proof) was released. The proof can be read HERE & discusses a range of concerns including short-term letting in NSW strata schemes, & the problems currently associated with proxy votes.

Further information can be read in Jimmy Thomson's article NSW strata law revolution, published in today's SMH. There is also a link to Jimmy's interview of 2UE with Paul Murray concerning the upcoming changes.

Strata Job Board

NSW: Sydney
Sensational Strata Manager Wanted

NSW: Sydney
Commercial Strata Administration Assistant

Qld: Gold Coast
Debt Recovery Lawyer

NSW: Chatswood
Strata Manager

WA: Victoria Park
Administration Strata Trainee

SA: Adelaide
Strata Assistant

For a full list of our strata & related jobs, visit our Strata Jobs Board.

Do we need permission from the OC to sand our floors?

Q: We are located in NSW. What we want to know is do we need permission to sand the floors – or are we just required to notify the Owners Corporation? The by-laws that apply to our more

A: Provided by Jan Browne of Ian McNamee & Partners: Would depend if original floors and if they are not taking up carpets. As bylaw 14 states the floors that can be uncovered. If taking up carpets in a lounge or bedroom then consent will be required and the owners corporation may have a condition for more

Site Upgrade

Now it's even easier to access LookUpStrata on the go!

We have just completed another upgrade to the site, making it responsive.

What does that mean for you?

Now LookUpStrata can easily be view from any mobile device. The website is responsive to your device, whether you are viewing on the go from your tablet or smartphone.

Why not try it out from your mobile device & see what you think. We are VERY happy with the results of the upgrade & we are sure you will be too.

Are condenser clothes driers a requirement in a new strata complex?

Q: I am in WA. My unit has a very basic clothes dryer and drying clothes outside is frowned upon! There is a ceiling fan, however that does not solve the moisture more

A: Response from Jeanette Anderson, Strata Data (WA) - Schedule II (7) By law is quite specific:
Drying of laundry items: A Proprietor, occupier, or other resident of a lot shall not, except with the consent in writing of the strata company -
(a) Hand any washing towel, bedding, clothing or any other article on any more

Upcoming Strata Events

OCN: Adding Value to Your Apartment Building (Sydney)
November 9 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

SCA (NSW) Core Business Skills Workshop : Sales Fundamentals (North Sydeny)
November 16

Strata Skills 101: High-rise Matchmaking (Sydney)
November 19 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Sustainability in WA Housing Workshop
November 29 @ 9:30 am - 5:00 pm

For more events, visit our Strata Events Calendar.

How do we get final approval for our patio from an unresponsive Strata Manager?

Q: Our strata is not returning our calls/emails concerning installation of our patio. We live in WA and an Agm is needed for the approval & the date was verbally said to us for more

A: Supplied by Jeanette Anderson of Strata Data WA If the Owners have received the AGM notice they will be able to determine if their application has been set down as an agenda item. If AGM paperwork has not been received – has the more
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