

Women's Network of Rapid City, Inc
The Networker: November 2013

Hello Women’s Network Members!

Website Bids....Avis Tellinghuisen
The Board is now accepting bids for Website Management.   No need to redesign or redevelop, only to monthly update current information and articles.
Please submit your bids to Nina Braun or Avis Tellinghuisen.

Joining information:
$50.00 / year
$16.00 / meeting (whether you eat or not)
Guests may attend two meetings before joining.

Christmas Party December for further details.

October Spotlight on…

Lorie Eichert
I am in the business of helping people adjust to and embrace change…a transitionist…if you will.
I have been coaching people professionally for over 5 years. I got into this line of work after being introduced to alternative health care, specifically intuitive life coaching, by a good friend of mine. She knew that traditionally counseling wasn’t working for me and suggested I try a session with Mary Schwartzenberger-Graham, then owner of Creative Living Institute. I loved it! It worked and so here I am…bringing hope and the power of possibility to those I work with.
I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management, run a successful trucking business with my husband, Phil (married over 16 yrs), am certified by The Graham Method as a life coach, hold many professional certificates in various business classes, am the education coordinator for the Networking Partners Chapter of BNI, a former Mother Mentor for Big Brothers Big Sisters and CASA volunteer.
I have two children and seven grandchildren-ranging in ages 14 to 3. As a family we enjoy camping and off-road racing. My personal hobbies include taking classes on self-help topics (go figure), reading, movies and traveling.